Jumaat, Mac 09, 2007

Difference between TV and handphone

A wife is like a TV. A girlfriend is like a handphone (hp).

At home watch TV. Go out bring hp. No money watch TV. Got money change hp. Sometime enjoy TV but most of the time play with hp.

TV is free for life but hp.... if don’t pay no service la.

Picture from 8080.net

What do we make out for a handphone TV? Thats like girlfriend at home.

I'll ask Pak Lah how is it like? Rumour ... rumour ... rumour.

Must be his new vocab to deny deny deny...

1 ulasan:

  1. dear Husin,

    first visit here.

    brilliant... u can use simple, everyday concepts to explain complicated matters, in a very humourous way... respect, n thanks for entertaining us!

    but tv or hp, it's up to Pak Lah lah... so long as he's not buying the hp using gomen money, like the 'belon'... after all, it's only him who'll use the hp/tv, not us (i hope!!), kan??

    "TV is free for life but hp.... if don’t pay no service la."



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