Husin tidak suka pun pada demo-demo ini. Tak mendatangkan hasil. ... Susah untuk Husin menjual unta. Sudahlah ekonomi teruk bawah Dolah hingga tak ada chance lagi nak jual orang.
Sekarang ini, berapa banyak kumpulan sudah mogok sejak Dolah membuat tak betul. Orang ramai atau "pembangkang" sudah mogok pasal tol naik.
Penggiat ugama bukan Islam atau "pembangkang" sudah mogok kerana orang "Islam" tak boleh tukar ugama. Penggiat ugama Islam atau "pembangkang" sudah mogok kerana orang bukan Islam telah mogok.
Orang Cina atau "pembangkang" sudah lama monyok pasal tak boleh cari makan. Orang Melayu atau "pembangkang" lagi marah sejak pelbagai ketirisan dan tuntutan terhadap hak mereka.
Peguam atau "pembangkang" sudah mogok sebab video tape. Gabungan NGO atau "pembangkang" telah mogok sebab mahu celup jari dalam dakwat.
Baru-baru ini, orang-orang Hindraf sudah mogok pasal kuil yang jumlahnya sudah melebihi jumlah surau diroboh. Susah Husin nak percaya ... tapi memang orang Hindu suka buka kuil di-mana-mana ada pokok besar. Bila kuil sudah besar dan kasi tidak tenteram pada orang Islam, mereka tidak mahu pindah.
Dolah pulak ambil jalan mudah suruh MIC buat kajian ... apa itu MIC buat selama ini? Tak akan tak tahu masaalah orang India. Peliknya si Dolah bila besoknya baru dia baru nak kata Hindraf melampau. Menantu baru kasi fahamkah?
Sekarang India sudah bising dan orang tak sedar mereka sudah ada joint military understanding dengan Singapura baru-baru ini. Anwar Ibrahim pun cari peluang politik ... Amerika sudah bising dan Britain pun sama. Nampak Dolah akan kelam kabut kerana mereka sudah berani.
Dolah mudah tolak ansur apabila setiap tuntutan dan tekanan dibuat keatasnya tanpa memahami samada tuntutan itu masuk akal dan konsisten dengan undang-undang atau perlembagan. Macam kes Hindraf, dia akan ber"dolah dalih" berubah-ubah pendirian dan pandangan seolah-olah tidak tahu apa dan tidak faham isu.
Ini yang membuat Husin pening. Husin sudah dapat tahu dari maklumat-maklumat pembeli-pembeli dan pemborong-pemborong unta bahawa pelbagai kumpulan akan melakukan demonstrasi dan rusuhan.
Dolah pulak ambil jalan mudah suruh MIC buat kajian ... apa itu MIC buat selama ini? Tak akan tak tahu masaalah orang India. Peliknya si Dolah bila besoknya baru dia baru nak kata Hindraf melampau. Menantu baru kasi fahamkah?
Sekarang India sudah bising dan orang tak sedar mereka sudah ada joint military understanding dengan Singapura baru-baru ini. Anwar Ibrahim pun cari peluang politik ... Amerika sudah bising dan Britain pun sama. Nampak Dolah akan kelam kabut kerana mereka sudah berani.
Dolah mudah tolak ansur apabila setiap tuntutan dan tekanan dibuat keatasnya tanpa memahami samada tuntutan itu masuk akal dan konsisten dengan undang-undang atau perlembagan. Macam kes Hindraf, dia akan ber"dolah dalih" berubah-ubah pendirian dan pandangan seolah-olah tidak tahu apa dan tidak faham isu.
Ini yang membuat Husin pening. Husin sudah dapat tahu dari maklumat-maklumat pembeli-pembeli dan pemborong-pemborong unta bahawa pelbagai kumpulan akan melakukan demonstrasi dan rusuhan.
Kita dah tahu pasal Peguam akan berjalan pada Desimber 9hb. Desas desus kata Pekida akan berarak tetapi tidak sudah tak jadi. Ada pulak Damai Malaysia nak berarak ... damai bagus lah tapi bolehkah damai dan tenteram bawah pemerintahan Dolah yang didalang Khairi dan puppetmaster?
Banyak kumpulan-kumpulan lain yang sudah bercadang untuk membuat tuntutan dan bearak. Semuanya garang macam Hindraf kerana pengakhir nama pertubuhan mereka adalah RAF atau Rights Actions Force. Oiii ... force tu maknanya main paksa tu. Husin senaraikan berikut:
Banyak kumpulan-kumpulan lain yang sudah bercadang untuk membuat tuntutan dan bearak. Semuanya garang macam Hindraf kerana pengakhir nama pertubuhan mereka adalah RAF atau Rights Actions Force. Oiii ... force tu maknanya main paksa tu. Husin senaraikan berikut:
Teapinraf - Kumpulan Bekas Penuntut Ayah Pin RAF menuntut supaya orang-orang Malaysia berhenti menggunakan cawan dan teko untuk minum kerana ianya adalah alat suci untuk ugama sesat mereka.
Tazkiraf - Kumpulan penyembah pemimpin RAF yang zikirnya berbunyi "saya sokong" walaupun tak tahu apa dia sokong. Mereka menuntut kumpulan mereka didaftarkan dan masuk dalam senarai ugama-ugama yang sah dalam Malaysia.
Utaraf - Kumpulan ugama RAF yang menuntut hak berugama tetapi menuntut untuk membangunkan kerajaan negeri baru.
Jawaraf - Kumpulan Jawa RAF menuntut supaya kawasan Parit Jawa hingga ke air Itam dan Pontian Johor di jadikan satu negeri yang berfiraun ... opps bersultankan seorang radin.
Perliraf - Kumpulan anak Melayu Perlis RAF yang menuntut supaya Raja Perlis bukan dari Orang Arab .... Ini susah ni beb. Boleh dikira menghasut dan masuk penjara kerja berat!!! ... kerana termasuk dalam tindakan-tindakan menghasur yang meliputi hak kewarganegaraan kaum lain dan kedudukan bahasa Melayu, ugama Islam, Raja-Raja Melayu, dan hak keistimewaan orang Melayu.
Musyaraf - Kumpulan Manshester United shareholder RAF menuntut supaya Musyaraf turun sebagai President Pakistan dan digantikan oleh Sir Alex Ferguson dengan Khazanah Nasional Pakistan mengambilalih Manchester United.
Minaraf - Kumpulan Minangkabau RAF menuntut supaya mereka di bezakan dari orang Negeri Sembilan dan hak asasi mereka menjual sikat di tepi jalan dan nasi padang tidak dicabul.
Hainan-raf - Kumpulan Cina Hainan RAF menuntut orang melayu tidak menjual nasi ayam kerana meraka sudah tidak boleh cari makan. Mereka berjanji akan jual daging ayam yang halal dan dibeli dari orang Melayu.
Boyan-raf - Kumpulan boyan penang RAF menuntut agar Wan Zaleha, Dr Mahathir, Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli dan lain-lain orang ternama dan kaya berhenti naik kuda kerana harga kuda sudah naik harga dan mereka tidak dapat mampu mempunyai kuda lagi.
Cangkuraf - Kumpulan anak yang cangkul dalam peperiksaan SRP RAF menuntut supaya hak mereka untuk hidup mewah dihormati dan mereka diperuntukkan 20% dari jawatan-jawatan tinggi dalam kerajaan, GLC, dan swasta.
Ashraf - Kumpulan perokok-perokok RAF menuntut hak mereka untuk merokok di panggung wayang, restoren, dewan-dewan, pejabat-pejabat dan tempat-tempat awam di hormati. Kata mereka lung cancer sudah menurun dan kanser payudera lebih meningkat. Mereka patut diberikan hak mrokok mereka kembali.
Paraf - Kumpulan penagih dadah RAF menuntut projek bangunan dan rumah yang sudah terbengkalai tidak dipulihkan supaya mereka hak mereka untuk tidak ditangkap polis.
Jampiraf - Kumpulan bomoh-bomoh RAF menuntut supaya profesyen dan teknik perubatan mereka diiktiraf oleh Malaysian Medical Association dan Kementerian Perubatan.
Artiraf - Kumpulan artis-artis muda cantik RAF menuntut suratkhabat media perdana tidak mengkaitkan mereka dalam gosip-gosip dengan Dato-dato dan Tan Sri Tan Sri hartawan.
Rabaraf - Kumpulan GRO-GRO RAF menuntut supaya harga meraba meraka di naikkan dan dikira mengikut kadar jumlah sentuhan dan harga berbeza untuk lain-lain bahagian badan.
Dandraf - Kumpulan Dato Seri gatal RAF menuntut isteri-isteri mereka memberikan mereka keredaan untuk kahwin lagi kerana mereka yang kini lebih diminati oleh artis dan model dari Dato biasa yang sudah terlalu banyak.
Begokraf - Kumpulan blogger yang dipanggil goblog oleh Menteri-menteri RAF menuntut supaya Menteri-menteri tersebut di ISAkan.
Lemporaf - Kumpulan peminat Husin Lempoyang RAF menuntut supaya harga unta dinaikkan supaya orang ramai tidak kena jual dengan Husin Lempoyang.
Remraf - Kumpulan Mat Rempit RAF yang menuntut hak mereka untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu yang bermunafat dan hak mereka untuk membunoh diri di jalanraya.
Raf-raf - Kumpulan Tindakan Tuntutan Hak RAF yang mahu menuntut dan bertindak tetapi tidak tahu apa yang mahu di tuntut lagi.
Tengok! Macam-macam boleh RAF.
Sudah diatur tiap-tiap minggu di bandaraya Kuala Lumpru dan bandar-bandar utama dalam Malaysia untuk diadakan demonstrasi aman hingga bukan April.
Sudah diatur tiap-tiap minggu di bandaraya Kuala Lumpru dan bandar-bandar utama dalam Malaysia untuk diadakan demonstrasi aman hingga bukan April.
Husin rasa Dolah seorang pemimpin lemah dan kurang faham akan mudah tolak ansur akan tunduk pada semua tuntutan-tuntutan. Macam mana punya kecoh kalau ini semua dilayan?
Layak lah Jeanne, Khairy, Kamaluddin, Kalimullah, ... Tingkat 4 dan para-para CDM menubuhkan Lahlumraf ... Kumpulan penyokong pemimpin lemah RAF. Khairy yang akan perjuangkan hak orang Melayu ... Diam saja raffff...
Aisayman ... banyak susahlah Husin Lempoyang mahu berniaga kerana tidak dapat jual orang dan unta ..... Undur ... Lah! RAF! RAF!
Layak lah Jeanne, Khairy, Kamaluddin, Kalimullah, ... Tingkat 4 dan para-para CDM menubuhkan Lahlumraf ... Kumpulan penyokong pemimpin lemah RAF. Khairy yang akan perjuangkan hak orang Melayu ... Diam saja raffff...
Aisayman ... banyak susahlah Husin Lempoyang mahu berniaga kerana tidak dapat jual orang dan unta ..... Undur ... Lah! RAF! RAF!
** Terima kasih Guni Timun atas ilham anda
15 ulasan:
Mangraf- Kumpulan Mangkuk - mangkuk hajun yang bodek
ISARAF- lagi bagus. Pemimpin perlu keras dan telus walaupun keputusan akan dilihat kejam. Tetapi demi kebaikan negara dan bangsa Malaysia maka perlu dibuat. Jangan hanya hendakkan populariti kebaikan. Yang baik dia punya tetapi yang buruk orang tanggung. Paklah perlu keras dan jangan teragak-agak kerana Hindraf terang-terang menyalahi undang-undang. Kalau tidak mampu undur sajelah jangan sampai jadi sumpahan rakyat Malaysia.
Uthakumar telah melampau dan perlu ditangkap dengan ISA segera kerana apa yang diperjuangkan tidak benar/songsang. BERSIH saya sokong sebab apa yang diperjuangkan adalah benar dan demi kebaikan.
Paklah kalau tidak sanggup memikul beban tanggungjawab seluruh rakyat Malaysia perlulah undur secara terhormat. Kalau dicabar depan-depan pun buat DAYUS lebih baik cerai
It is shocking how the plethora of reports in Malaysia mainstream newspapers are so far from the truth that Malaysians these days only read it to have a good laugh over how creative the editors and group editors of these newspapers are.
As of late, the newspaper reports are not funny. Their lies and propagandas are becoming downright dangerous.
In this new millennium, it is sickening to find journalists abetting and aiding the spread of these lies.
Sadly, you will never hear the truth spoken by true Malaysians in the newspapers.
In addition to wearing yellow on Saturdays, I call on all Malaysians to boycott the mainstream media by not buying New Straits Times, the Star, Utusan or any local newspaper to send a message that we will not be buying into their lies!
When this Bodowi speaks, it makes you sick in the stomach.
Whether he steps down or not, makes no different to the country because the whole Umno and BN machinery are all crooks.
Vote them out and send them to space, that is the only answer.
NEP as implemented has always involved using government funds for the intended beneficiaries. W
hen it was the intention of the government to create the richest malay to head the list of richest individuals, now announced by the prime minister, the government adopts the policy to give public funds directly or indirectly to private individuals so that he/she can become the richest individual malay in the country.
Mahathir declared that NEP would have met its objective when the government was able to create a millionaire among the malays. It was the first time he extended the objective of NEP to make malay millionaires, and facilitated the use of public funds to enrich his cronies. Badawi now extends the creation of malay millionaires to become malay billionaires, and also to lead in the list of the richest individuals in the country.
It is clear to the whole world that NEP created unfair hardships to the non-malays no matter how Umno wanted to justify it. Unlike article 153 which was supposed to be reviewed after 15 years from 1957, NEP was to be implemented for 20 years from 1970. There was no provision for extension, and the only clearly stated quantitative target was that malays were to achieve 30% of corporate ownership after 20 years.
Badawi pretended that he wanted to be a prime minister for all Malaysians, and called for malays to forgo crutches. At the same time, he conveniently resurrected NEP and extended it to 2020, and his deputy suggested the continuation until 2057, for the present.
Prime minister and his deputy promised a year ago to reveal the methodology adopted by EPU, to challenge the results of ASLI finding that the 30% target had been achieved. His recent announcement makes ASLI finding irrelevant since NEP will continue forever, whatever the actual results show.
Ordinary malays appear to accept to pay a higher price for their motor vehicles when AP system which was exploited to enrich the well connected malays, they appear happy that NEP is continued even though NEP has caused a decline to their standard of living and level of earning.
They accept that as a cost for enabling malays to lead the list of the richest individuals in the country.
The most popular subject for jokes in Malaysia is the prime minister. That is all that he is good for.
It has a valid point to make and I support it in principle. That principle certainly applies to all non-malays in Malaysia and it is about equal treatment.
I am apt to say that the original New Economic Policy or concerns of the malays, as enshrined in the constitution, has been twisted, perverted and abused by scallywags within the Umno wagon.
No wonder that prospective foreign investor stated, "Invest anywhere in Southeast Asia but not Malaysia!" When I wanted to start a business, the first thing they ask is about a malay partner.
Obviously, the sick value systems perpetrated by Mahathir is so widespread that daylight robbery and corruption is perfectly okay and are normal, everyday values.
End the NEP. Let us get back to being a normal country where every Malaysian is equal.
I am not a racist and it is the fact of my experience that sad to say many of them (malays) have the habit of blaming others for their own failures to gain success in many aspects of life - and keep on blaming others for their own prideful (which could be "inferiority") of not able to accept others corrections, constructive criticisms for their weakness (don't want to be challenged in order to be improved, competitive and better) and being jealous of others success.
Always thinking that they have the sole ownership over Malaysia and others do not have even though born in Malaysia.
Never remember that it is God who created all of us in this land (those who born in Malaysia - no matters what races) and shall be given equal right to live on this land. (If not so, it means God is not fair! But God is just and fair!)
So why Umno/malays whom self proclaiming themselves is God-fearing people but still embrace such an unfair and discriminating policy (they have no shame to say it is a positive discriminating policy) in this nation which taking advantages of others races results of hard works and efforts for their own benefits.
To whom embrace such policy is a true liar, injustice and hypocrite group of people - Shame on this group of people (always ask people to leave the place where we born)!
This vicious, coward and corrupted Malaysia government is so afraid of ordinary people, especially the working class, expressing their discontent through peaceful protests - a democratic right.
The main ruling party, Umno elites, capitalist leaders who falsely profess themselves to be devoted Muslims have indeed hijacked the religion.
Almost my whole life, I defended such ideological racial-religious supremacies out of a false sense of patriotism and loyalty. This is why we need to learn, educate ourselves and think critically throughout our lives in order to be a true human being.
Furthermore, to fight against the real enemy - the greedy and corrupted criminals from the ruling elites and capitalist classes, be it from Umno, MIC, MCA and so on - although the Umno leaders are the most and main deceitful culprits.
Opposition parties globally also need to be heading towards this, especially against the extremely vicious and corrupted Third World ruling elites, governments and capitalist classes.
Part 1 - The origin of pendatang:
· Malays - come from Indonesia and Yunnan.
· Chinese - come from China.
· Indians - come from India.
Part 2 - Why they come to Malaysia:
· Malays - easy life, food aplenty around those days, like fish from the river etc.
· Chinese - looking for a living.
· Indians - looking for a living and goes back.
Part 3 - Pendatang's attitude:
· Malays - the words 'relax la', 'bantuan kerajaan' and 'cukup makan' are their daily words.
· Chinese - work, work and work but also spend.
· Indians - work, earn and save but spend little.
Looking at the mindsets of various pendatang. You tell me is it possible to be one Bangsa Malaysia? Never! For oil will never mix with water.
If you tell the Chinese to close down Chinese schools, the children will not taught to be hardworking anymore, so they become lazy and can they ask for bantuan kerajaan?
No! Right? So let the Chinese have more Chinese schools to teach the principle of hardworking, integrity, trustworthy etc, thus others can get more shares.
Those days the government control the Chinese schools is because of communist. Now where got communist again? Bodoh!
Malays are more suppressed in their own country by Umno than the suppression suffered by Chinese or Indians. For their pains they are offered the rotten carrots of Ketuanan Melayu and NEP.
The suppression of malays is deep and internal while the suppression of Chinese and Indians is only surface in terms of benefits and material things. That is why some Chinese have the cheek to say that NEP benefits them as it makes them stronger.
The suppression of malays is mental and spiritual enforced by KGB police type tactics. The suppression of malays may be an eternal and permanent one. Umno is a cancer to malay society.
Those Umno pea-brained morons are products of Mahathir. Difference is that Mahathir did all the talking and walking and kept his morons in cages.
Now, Badawi is not the talker nor walker, if fact, he is the sleeper. So much that these pea-brained morons have been let loose to display their stupidity of the highest degree.
Malaysia is now famous internationally for having morons running the country, one such moronic act was being performed live on Al Jazeera. Please don't mention anymore name, we may have underage kids reading.
Pak Lah has been derelict in his duty and appears to be incompetent.
Current events in Malaysia speak of a government that is out of control because of Pak Lah's lack of leadership. Each time something of major public concern occurs, he hides behind the scene and lets his ministers or some other person manage the problem.
A good leader will come out in the open and lead from the front not the back.
It is not proper for the government to tell the Bar Council, the country's best legal brains, what to do when its so-called law minister does not even understand the basic notion of natural justice.
The Election Commission is another tool of the government when it is supposed to be fair and neutral. How can it claim to be an election commission when everyone knows that the electoral boundaries are so biased and skewed against democracy? Is it any wonder that the Barisan always wins the elections?
The other crucial factor is the bureaucracy, those public servants who are under the people's payroll.
In Japan, for example, you see this separation of the bureaucrats and the politicians clearly. So no matter who forms the Japanese government, the bureaucracy is able to function effectively and smoothly and in fact there is even a joke that you don't need the politicians to run the country in Japan.
The government is so used to deceit and doublespeak that it is unable to think straight and that is why it is full of contradictions. Take for example, the shameful keris waving matter. Now they are coming out and saying that it will be a permanent part of their political culture.
Western kings and princes have a ceremonial sword as part of their attire but we don't see their politicians waving swords at their political meetings do we?
But in Malaysia, reminiscent of Hitler's Nazi youth groups, can do it and we know the outcome of such behaviour years later.
The country spends untold sums of money on religion, building mosques at taxpayers expense, spending millions and millions on religious schools, yet corruption is so rampant and it affects every echelon of the economy. For years, every Malaysian knows that the traffic police are corrupt. Yet the government has not done anything to stop the corruption.
Let us face it. Call an ace an ace and a spade a spade. The Malaysia government has been in power for too long and lost its moral compass. It is lost in the jungle of greed. The only thing worse than a corrupt government official is the people who support him.
The non-malays know that Pak Lah and his cronies tell them one thing and another to their own people. They are masters of doublespeak and politicians are renowned for speaking with a forked-tongue.
More and more malays now know that only a handful of cronies take the lion's share of the nation's wealth which is meant to be distributed among them more evenly. Mahathir duped them with his plan to establish a few super rich malay tycoons.
The state of the nation is not healthy. Pak Lah's administration has failed the moral test. He himself has failed the test that he established himself. Judged by his own standards and words, he has failed. Tell me the truth, work with me, yak, yak, yak, but what do we get? The opposite! And now that the Bar Council has told him the truth - he scolds them. Shish.
Let us face the truth. Politicians are not royalty born to lead. They are given the chance to lead. Take away Pak Lah's role and what is he? Look at the high and mighty Mahathir. Where is he now?
The Malay Dilemma was a myth created by Mahathir to exploit the psyche of a victim's complex innate in the malays of yesteryears. But cunning Mahathir made it out that the British and the Chinese put the malays at a disadvantage. And after 50 years of Umno rule, what have changed?
Malaysians should not be stupid but angry that their country is being exploited by the people they elected to benefit them. It took a long time to get 5000 people to sign the petition to the King. It should have taken five minutes! Or five days.
But if I announce a free porn video, be sure I will have 500000 people sign up. The young in Malaysia had better wake up and start to do something about their country, about their future.
Don't be fooled by the politicians who say the Chinese are the enemy, the Indians are the enemy, the Malays are the enemy. There is only one enemy. The one who is corrupt. Everyone else is your friend.
Save Malaysia and take part in every activity that you can and vote out the corrupt politicians to make your country a better place.
Remember your future is in your hands and don't blame anyone if you suffer because you made the wrong choice. The last time many of us were fooled - but once bitten, twice shy. Do I need to say more?
Adakah semua ini mainan politik? Kita semua bising dan bimbang akan perkembangan terbaru ini dan Uthuyakumar sedang sibuk transfer duitnya kat Singapore - Duit upah. Ada khabar angin Kera Jantan yang bayar. Undi Melayu balik kat UMNO sebab takut dan Undi Cina balik kat MCA dan Gerakan kerana tak nak risiko dan undi India balik kat MIC sebab Hindraf untuk Hindu bukan India.
Hebat percaturan politik Malaysia, setiap kali sebelum pilihanraya mesti ada mainan baru dan Machanya tetap Uthuyakumar. Kalau tak silap 2004 dia jugak. Yang banggang ko dan aku. Orang lain kenyang
Antara Melayu, Cina dan India siapa yang pandai dan siapa pula yang tertindas?
Melayu adalah kaum yang paling malang di Malaysia. Cina pula merupakan kaum yang paling berjaya dalam semua perkara. Manakala India adalah kaum yang sentiasa kelihatan berjaya tetapi hakikatnya mereka hanyalah ahu...ahu aje.
Melayu betul-betul menerima nasib seperti lebai malang. Mereka asyik mempertahankan kuasa mereka yang ada hinggakan mereka tidak mampu meneruskan perjuangan yang selari dengan tuntutan semasa. Lebih malang lagi bila mereka cuba menonjolkan diri mereka sudah berjaya dan kononnya berfikiran global walaupun hakikatnya mereka berbohong pada bangsa mereka. Pada masa yang sama mereka terpaksa menekan mana-mana pemimpin yang cuba berubah dari pemikiran 'katak bawah tempurung mereka'.
Ada sebilangan pemimpin Melayu memang tidak berkemampuan untuk memimpin tetapi disebabkan sikap kaum itu terlalu dogmatik pada kepercayaan kaumnya sendiri, maka nasib Melayu tetap tidak berubah. Betapa malang nasib yang menimpa mereka, mereka masih tetap memberikan peluang kepada pemimpin-pemimpin sedemikian dengan harapan nasib mereka akan berubah seperti yang didakwa mereka sebagai telah ditakdirkan.
Manakala kaum Cina yang sentiasa berfikiran terbuka dalam apa juga keadaan dan sentiasa berusaha menyesuaikan keadaan semasa telah memberikan kaum tersebut satu impak yang begitu positif dalam iklim masyarakat berbilang kaum di Malaysia. Tindakan kaum Cina sentiasa berdasarkan justifikasi. Jarang mereka bertindak mengikut emosi. Barangkali disebabkan kurangnya sikap terlalu kuat beragama dikalangan kaum Cina, mereka lebih mudah diterima oleh mana-mana kaum di Malaysia, terutamanya Melayu. Jarang sekali, malah mungkin tidak pernah berlaku, orang Cina membuat apa-apa bantahan berkaitan agama. Tindakan mereka lebih bersifat universal kerana mereka lebih terdorong pada hal-hal kewangan yang tentunya sesuatu yang sentiasa dimahukan oleh sesiapa sahaja penghuni di atas dunia ini.
Tidak seperti kaum India yang sentiasa membuat berbagai kerenah. Walaupun jumlah mereka tidak seramai mana, mereka tetap dapat menampakkan kepada dunia seolah-olah mereka cukup ramai di Malaysia. Seperti tongkang keling pecah, kata bidalan Melayu sudah cukup mengambarkan sikap kaum India. malah kalau dilihat apa yang digambarkan dalam filem hindustan, memanglah kaum India di Malaysia sekarang tidak ada bezanya dengan sikap kaum mereka dimana-mana muka bumi ini. Mereka memang bangsa kaku. Mereka tidak akan berubah walaupun mereka sudah berada ditempat yang lain. Mungkin keadaan ini hanyalah berlaku pada keturunan mereka yang terendah, iaitu kasta pariah. Kebetulan kaum India di Malaysia sekarang memang berketurunan pariah yang dibawa British ke Tanah Melayu dulu. Sayang sekali, keturunan India dari kasta pariah ini tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri mereka hinggakan sesiapa sahaja akan tahu bahawa mereka memang jenis kaum terendah dari semua aspek kehidupan. Tindakan Hindraf adalah manisfestasi sikap kepariahan mereka.
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