Orang bodoh pakai credit card sampai maximum, lepas tu takleh bayar tapi berlagak macam org banyak duit. Orang pandai pakai credit card tapi orang lain bayarkan!
Orang bodoh ada moto tapi pergi kerja naik LRT. Mungkin kes suka 'bergesel'la ni ... Orang pandai tak ada moto, tak ada kereta, tak ada LRT tapi ada otak. Dia tumpang kereta or motor kawan.
Orang bodoh pergi minum berbayar di kafetaria, walaupun majikan sudah sediakan nescafe, milo, biskut dan lain-lain di pantry. Orang pandai tak minum di cafeteria dan minum nescafe, milo, biskut dan lain-lain yang disediakan majikan serta siap bawa balik rumah.
Orang bodoh beli suratkhabar untuk tengok nombor ekor dan buang saja lepas itu. Orang pandai tunggu kaki ekor bodoh buang suratkhabar untuk baca, lalu kumpul banyak-banyak untuk jual kat orang surat khabar lama.
Orang bodoh kentut kuat-kuat di opis tapi bangga dengan bau busuknya. Orang pandai kentut diam-diam, takde bunyi tapi baunya na'uzubillah ... lepas itu salahkan orang bodoh yang kentot kuat.
Orang-orang bodoh ada masalah memahami cerita jenaka orang-orang pandai. Orang-orang pandai perlu ramai-ramai beri faham pada orang-orang bodoh bahawa tindakan mereka itu bodoh macam baghal.
Tak kiralah orang-orang bodoh itu ada pelajaran tinggi; gelaran Dato atau Tan Sri-Tan Sri; pergi kerja dihantar driver; dan pegang jawatan tinggi macam CEO TNB, Peguam Negara, atau Pengerusi SKMM. Kalau sudah bodoh, akhirnya akan buat tindakan bodoh ...
Yang luluskan undang-undang bodoh macam Akta SKMM di Parlimen pun sama orang-orang bodoh pakai kot. Sekarang punya "chief" orang-orang bodoh itu Nazri Aziz.
Mari kita orang-orang pandai tandatangan petisyen sini.
Wow! Lagi untung jual unta dari jual orang-orang bodoh pakai kot.
Ciplak dari Cari Forum
26 ulasan:
Betul sin ... orang kalau dah bodoh, belajar tinggi dan jawatan tinggi macam mana dapat dicapai, tunggu masa saja dia buat kerja bodoh balik.
Inilah orang putih kata ... rising to the level of incompetency.
Che Khalib tu memang bodoh pun. CEO of the year kepala bana. Rugi 900 juta!!!!!
Apalah Najib!
Orang bingai macam ini masih dikekalkan dalam GLC????
Najib kot yang bodoh akhirnya. Dahlah takda telor disimpan Rosmah?
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
Chairman of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
Y. Bhg Tan Sri Khalid Bin Ramli
Commission Members Representing the Government:
Y. Bhg Datuk Wira Kamaruddin Bin Siaraf
Y. Bhg Datuk Mohd Zain Mohd Dom
Y. Bhg Dato’ Madinah Mohamad
Commission Members other than Government Representatives:
Y. Bhg Dato' Dr Gan Khuan Poh
Y.Bhg Datuk Hj. Md Afendi bin Hamdan
Y. Bhg Datuk Idris bin Abdullah
Y. Bhg Dato' Mohamed Sharil Mohamed Tarmizi
Husin Lempoyang,
Padan dengan nama hang Al Lempoyang,
Hang tau kah LEMPOYANG ITU PAHIT tapi boleh buat uabat sakit perut, kurang selera makan danlain lain.
Hang kata Nazri tu bodoh ? Ia bijak hang tak tau. Dia boleh kelentong Ahli Ahli YB di Parlimen termasuk Yang Bijaksana Karpal Singh.
Bukan senang nak kelentong Karpal yang buang serban tapi simpan janggut putih.
Ente tak menghormati langsung PARLIMEN dan ahli ahli Yang Bijaksana (YB) terutama sekali Bung MOkhtar Radin yang cuba mengabui mata Mahkamah Syariayah tapi tak berjaya.
Husin, Husin !!
Air Lempyang Satu !!
yg kayakan tnb cina..yg keje tnb semua melayu..mestilah nk jaga hati cina..klu x jaga nnti x dpt bonus...kah3..........
Y. Bhg Tan Sri Khalid Bin Ramli, was appointed Chairman of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) on 16 October 2009.
Tan Sri was previously the Director General of Implementation Co-ordination Unit (ICU) of the Prime Minister’s Department. Immediately before his appointment at the ICU, Tan Sri Khalid had served as the Secretary of the Penang State Government.
Tan Sri has served as a Public Administrator in various capacities since 1972. He was formerly a member of Pemudah and Co-Chairman of the Efficiency Working Group. He was also previously a Board Member of Petronas.
Tan Sri holds a Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) of Arts from University of Malaya and a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Southern California, United States of America.
Padan bingai ... cuma pass orang public admin .... kah kah kah ha ha ha ...
Cucu abang aku baru lahir boleh pass master dalam public admin... hahaha
Ini semua tahyol2 pejabat AG
Attorney General
Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail
Solicitor General
Datuk Idrus Harun
Solicitor General II
Datuk Mohd Yusof bin Hj. Zainal Abiden
Special Officer to the Solicitor General
Ilham binti Tan Sri Abd. Kader
Principal Legal Assistant
Nik Hashimah bt. Hassan
Head of Prosecution Division
Dato' Tun Abd Majid bin Tun Hamzah
Deputy Head of Prosecution Division (Operation)
Mohamad Hanafiah bin Zakaria
Deputy Head of Prosecution Division (Policy)
Dato' Nordin bin Hassan
Deputy Head of Prosecution Division (Administration)
Abdul Wahab bin Mohamed
Assistant Director
Ahmad Nadzri bin Mohd. Hassan
Principal Legal Assistant
Mushrifah binti Jamaludin
Principal Legal Assistant
Rafidah binti Abd. Manaf
Head of Commercial Crimes Unit
Raja Rozela binti Raja Toran
Personal Assistant
Nor Hidayu binti Othman
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Syed Faisal bin Syed Amir
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Devanandan a/l S.Subramaniam
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Nahra binti Dollah
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Normie Baizura binti Amiruddin
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Izalina binti Abdullah
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Farhan Read
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Nur Azimul Azami bin Mohd Nor
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Nurshuhaida binti Zainal Azahar
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Nur Aida binti Md. Zainuddin
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Nuur Fakhizaa binti Abu Bakar
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Hamidi Mohd. Noh
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Hashley bin Tajudin
Deputy Public Prosecutor
C.Vignesh Kumar a/l Chellapah
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Rozaliana binti Zakaria
Principal Legal Assistant
Azilah binti Abd. Aziz
Legal Assistant
Zurkhairi bin Abdullah
hahahaha betul tu aku sokong..sekarang ramai orang bodoh menyamar orang pandai.
Setuju sangat tu Sin. Hari tu kan Sin Raja Singa panggil semua rakyat kat untuk hari lawak sedunia. Semua la pakai mai. Kora Abau (tortoise), rimau, badak sumbu semua pakai mai la pasai raja panggei mai. Raja keluar hukum kata kalau lawak tukang lawak tu tak jadi iaitu kalau tak semua binatang gelak pak lawak berkenaan akan dibunuh. Mula mula tu monyet buat lawak, nama monyet tu Nazri. Semua orang (binatang la) gelak kecuali kora abau. Tak pasai monyet kena bunuh sebab ada yang tak gelak. Pastu kaldai pulak. Dia pun kena gak pasai kora abau tak gelak. No 3 jatuh kat rimau lempoyang ...baru jer dia buka mulut kora abau gelak sampai terguling terkentut. Raja singa pun hangin ...hang ni gila ka apa, rimau lempoyang tak dan nak buka mulut yang gelak sampai kat nak mampoih. Kora Abau kata ...lawak monyet tadi lucu gila babi. La ni kora abau tu dah jadi menteri la Sin tapi dia slow macam dulu la jugak
Kita jangan keliru antara
Highly qualified and highly intelligent.
Qualified:- pi sekolah cikgu ajar 1+1=2 bila esok cikgu tanya balik dia jawab betoi. Lama lama dapat la sijil, diploma ijazah dan sewaktu dengannya. Kelentong pi kelentong mai jadi la menteri ka apa ka. Ada soalan diluar lingkungan? dia pening
INTELLIGENT ;- Macam Bill Gate, Lim Goh Tong, (Tun) Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar ...paper tak der tapi very smart
Abg Husin,
Petisyen dah sign dah!
Ha! Ni mari sini kita belajar supaya jadi pandai. Mari Belajar Jadi Kurang Ajar
1.Hangpa tak tau kee!yang dok luluskan akta!undang-undang diparlimen tu merupakan puak-puak yang bodoh!!
2.Hanya puak yang bodoh je dsanggup melibatkan diri dalam politik malaysia!!
3.Kotoq dan keji nak mampuihhhh!!!
kenapa mesti orang yang pegi keje naik LRT dipanggil bodoh? orang yang bodoh adalah dah tau jalan rajin sesak + minyak semakin mahal + udara makin tercemar tapi nak jugak berlagak tayang kereta macam beli cash. aku tau la ko naik unta pegi kerja, otak pun dah lebih kurang unta. tulis ikut sedap hati tak tengok kiri kanan.
Baca article ini.
How Come Asking Someone To Go Home Is A Racist Remark?
By Angelia Sinyang
The non-Malays went berserk when they heard how the Principal in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Kulai, Johor insulted their children, by asking the Chinese to go back to China and the Indians of wearing dog-chains.
I am not a racist, though I admit that I started to doubt that now. I personally don’t agree with racist remarks from anybody especially coming from a teacher. But with the racist sentiment filling up the air uncontrollably, lately, I understand fully, how this teacher has come to this point.
A teacher wouldn’t be uttering such words without a good reason. Something must have triggered the words and I believe, she was provoked into saying it just like what the DAP and MCA is doing to the government, UMNO and the Malays lately.
We are already choking, and it looks like nothing could be said or done could purify the air for now.
I do believe that the ‘dog-chain’ thing is too much. The Principal should apologize on that and if action is to be taken, then be it.
But, I didn’t know that coming from China is something insulting. Asking someone to go home is not at all a racist remark.
Especially when the Chinese made it clear how proud they are to be Chinese from China . They look up upon Mao Tze Tung and all the great warriors of China and never share the same proudness towards our Hang Tuah, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Mat Kilau and other Malaysian heroes just because these Malaysian heroes are not of Chinese ethnic.
The Chinese despise Malaysia , Malays, our Kings, our language and everything, so why the hell don’t they go back to China ? It is just natural for the Principle to tell their kids to go back to China , where their hearts and souls belong.
Only in Malaysia , we see people go crazy, stomping their feet, insisting that they are Malaysians but at the same time don’t want anything to do with Malaysia .
Only in Malaysia , we see people who insist that they are Malaysians but couldn’t even speak Bahasa Malaysia .
Only in Malaysia , we see people who want to be treated equally as the original settlers but cunningly try to re-write the Malaysian’s history and constitution.
Only in Malaysia , we see people who claim to be Malaysians but cannot even sing the National Anthem!
Only in Malaysia , we see people who fight for equality but insist on going to vernacular schools.
No other multi-racial country in the world would tolerate vernacular schools except Malaysia .
sambung ........
Baca article ini.
How Come Asking Someone To Go Home Is A Racist Remark?
By Angelia Sinyang
The non-Malays went berserk when they heard how the Principal in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Kulai, Johor insulted their children, by asking the Chinese to go back to China and the Indians of wearing dog-chains.
I am not a racist, though I admit that I started to doubt that now. I personally don’t agree with racist remarks from anybody especially coming from a teacher. But with the racist sentiment filling up the air uncontrollably, lately, I understand fully, how this teacher has come to this point.
A teacher wouldn’t be uttering such words without a good reason. Something must have triggered the words and I believe, she was provoked into saying it just like what the DAP and MCA is doing to the government, UMNO and the Malays lately.
We are already choking, and it looks like nothing could be said or done could purify the air for now.
I do believe that the ‘dog-chain’ thing is too much. The Principal should apologize on that and if action is to be taken, then be it.
But, I didn’t know that coming from China is something insulting. Asking someone to go home is not at all a racist remark.
Especially when the Chinese made it clear how proud they are to be Chinese from China . They look up upon Mao Tze Tung and all the great warriors of China and never share the same proudness towards our Hang Tuah, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Mat Kilau and other Malaysian heroes just because these Malaysian heroes are not of Chinese ethnic.
The Chinese despise Malaysia , Malays, our Kings, our language and everything, so why the hell don’t they go back to China ? It is just natural for the Principle to tell their kids to go back to China , where their hearts and souls belong.
Only in Malaysia , we see people go crazy, stomping their feet, insisting that they are Malaysians but at the same time don’t want anything to do with Malaysia .
Only in Malaysia , we see people who insist that they are Malaysians but couldn’t even speak Bahasa Malaysia .
Only in Malaysia , we see people who want to be treated equally as the original settlers but cunningly try to re-write the Malaysian’s history and constitution.
Only in Malaysia , we see people who claim to be Malaysians but cannot even sing the National Anthem!
Only in Malaysia , we see people who fight for equality but insist on going to vernacular schools.
No other multi-racial country in the world would tolerate vernacular schools except Malaysia .
sambung ........
Baca article ini.
How Come Asking Someone To Go Home Is A Racist Remark?
By Angelia Sinyang
The non-Malays went berserk when they heard how the Principal in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Kulai, Johor insulted their children, by asking the Chinese to go back to China and the Indians of wearing dog-chains.
I am not a racist, though I admit that I started to doubt that now. I personally don’t agree with racist remarks from anybody especially coming from a teacher. But with the racist sentiment filling up the air uncontrollably, lately, I understand fully, how this teacher has come to this point.
A teacher wouldn’t be uttering such words without a good reason. Something must have triggered the words and I believe, she was provoked into saying it just like what the DAP and MCA is doing to the government, UMNO and the Malays lately.
We are already choking, and it looks like nothing could be said or done could purify the air for now.
I do believe that the ‘dog-chain’ thing is too much. The Principal should apologize on that and if action is to be taken, then be it.
But, I didn’t know that coming from China is something insulting. Asking someone to go home is not at all a racist remark.
Especially when the Chinese made it clear how proud they are to be Chinese from China . They look up upon Mao Tze Tung and all the great warriors of China and never share the same proudness towards our Hang Tuah, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Mat Kilau and other Malaysian heroes just because these Malaysian heroes are not of Chinese ethnic.
The Chinese despise Malaysia , Malays, our Kings, our language and everything, so why the hell don’t they go back to China ? It is just natural for the Principle to tell their kids to go back to China , where their hearts and souls belong.
Only in Malaysia , we see people go crazy, stomping their feet, insisting that they are Malaysians but at the same time don’t want anything to do with Malaysia .
Only in Malaysia , we see people who insist that they are Malaysians but couldn’t even speak Bahasa Malaysia .
Only in Malaysia , we see people who want to be treated equally as the original settlers but cunningly try to re-write the Malaysian’s history and constitution.
Only in Malaysia , we see people who claim to be Malaysians but cannot even sing the National Anthem!
Only in Malaysia , we see people who fight for equality but insist on going to vernacular schools.
No other multi-racial country in the world would tolerate vernacular schools except Malaysia .
sambung ........
How Come Asking Someone To Go Home Is A Racist Remark?
By Angelia Sinyang
The non-Malays went berserk when they heard how the Principal in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Kulai, Johor insulted their children, by asking the Chinese to go back to China and the Indians of wearing dog-chains.
I am not a racist, though I admit that I started to doubt that now. I personally don’t agree with racist remarks from anybody especially coming from a teacher. But with the racist sentiment filling up the air uncontrollably, lately, I understand fully, how this teacher has come to this point.
A teacher wouldn’t be uttering such words without a good reason. Something must have triggered the words and I believe, she was provoked into saying it just like what the DAP and MCA is doing to the government, UMNO and the Malays lately.
We are already choking, and it looks like nothing could be said or done could purify the air for now.
I do believe that the ‘dog-chain’ thing is too much. The Principal should apologize on that and if action is to be taken, then be it.
But, I didn’t know that coming from China is something insulting. Asking someone to go home is not at all a racist remark.
Especially when the Chinese made it clear how proud they are to be Chinese from China . They look up upon Mao Tze Tung and all the great warriors of China and never share the same proudness towards our Hang Tuah, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Mat Kilau and other Malaysian heroes just because these Malaysian heroes are not of Chinese ethnic.
The Chinese despise Malaysia , Malays, our Kings, our language and everything, so why the hell don’t they go back to China ? It is just natural for the Principle to tell their kids to go back to China , where their hearts and souls belong.
Only in Malaysia , we see people go crazy, stomping their feet, insisting that they are Malaysians but at the same time don’t want anything to do with Malaysia .
Only in Malaysia , we see people who insist that they are Malaysians but couldn’t even speak Bahasa Malaysia .
Only in Malaysia , we see people who want to be treated equally as the original settlers but cunningly try to re-write the Malaysian’s history and constitution.
Only in Malaysia , we see people who claim to be Malaysians but cannot even sing the National Anthem!
Only in Malaysia , we see people who fight for equality but insist on going to vernacular schools.
No other multi-racial country in the world would tolerate vernacular schools except Malaysia .
No other multi-racial country in the world would give equal privilege, rights or acknowledgment on the importance of other culture and language to be taught and nurtured among the youngsters.
Only in Malaysia we see minority own 81% of the economic cake and it is still ain’t enough.
Only Malaysian Chinese would ask for Namewee to be forgiven and look up upon the person and even set up a fan club.
And only Malaysia , would forgive someone like Namewee.
The fact that Malaysia has come this far and that the Malaysian Chinese have achieved so much doesn’t seem important anymore.
Of course there are few Chinese students who didn’t get scholarships despite being poor, but there are Malay and Bumiputra students with the same fate too. The problem lies in the implementation of the system, not the race. We have to stop looking at things from the race point of view.
sambung .......
In order to do that, maybe the Chinese first need to look at it from the non-Chinese point of view: what if you didn’t get promoted even when you have proven to be the best employee just because the Chinese management wants only Chinese to hold top posts?
Or you did not get the job even when the interviewer admitted that you are the best candidate, and tell you to your face that they can’t hire you because you are not a Chinese?
Only Malaysian Chinese can hire a new, dumb guy to become your boss, rather than promoting you to the post because the new, dumb guy is a Chinese and you’re not.
Only Malaysian Chinese who want to hold top posts in government sectors but will never ever open top posts for other races in the private sectors dominated by them.
Only in Malaysian Chinese we see a clear practice of double standard and bias when questioning about the positions and employment opportunities in government sectors as compared to private sectors.
Only in Malaysian Chinese, we see zero tolerance, total greed and unlimited hatred.
Only in Malaysian Chinese we see that greed, intolerance, hatred and double standards are acceptable values.
So, how do the Malaysian Chinese interpret equality, actually?
How do the Malaysian Chinese prove that they deserve to be treated as Bumiputras or even call themselves Malaysians?
Could I get a straight, simple answer to these simple questions?
Kalau CEO syarikat monopoli dan takde competitor... letak berok makyeh pun boleh untung... tapi apasal TNB boleh rugi RM900juta?
Dipercayai agenda bebudak mangkuk tingkat 4 a.k.a kera jintan..melantik CEO2 muda bertaraf PUNGKOK supaya GLC & kerajaan beankrup..
Felda diapung di BSKL, TM ke antarabangsa, S.Darbi digabung (3 payah nak takeover), silterra dll, petronas omar ong, maybank jadi menteri dll..
dan usaha menggadai syer kpd asiatic felda,s.darbi & sinkpork..menyuruh maybank beli bankrup dll..
usaha2 mangkok hayun tingkat 4 ni dibiarkan Najis berterusan mcm tiada kawalan..
tak heranla..bila sentimen kebengongan ini berterusan Felda dikerjakan oleh Nepal setelah Sivarasa Rasiah/Nuar/Husam meracuni peneroka memberontak..lalu takeover Fuckatan & peneroka boleh berambus ke Indon..
semua bingai...harapnya ia fakta yg tak betul.
DSN,,,,Tindakan "WAJIB" diambil Kepada "CEO" GLC yg KORAP dan rasuah,,,,semua kakitangan GLC akan mengundi,,mereka tahu apa yg berlaku,,,,,mereka ini ada saudara mara,keluarga ,sahabat handai yg akan mengundi PRU13 nanti,,,,,,,tak payah dok "KEJAR 1 MALAYSIA",,,,,Ambil tindakan segera 'Balaci dan Penyamun" zaman Paklah,,,,,yg linkupkan negara,,,,,,,,,,DSN Bertindak sebelum terlambat,,,,,,,,Rakyat sedang bercakap isu ini,,,,,,mengapa tak berani ambil tindakan,,,,,,,,,,,mana slogan "Rakyat didulukan",,,,,,
To Angelia ,
Please don't generalize uYour statement. There is a big numbers of the Chinese who love the country very much. So don't just judge the book by the cover.
The issues is why is our societies getting phobia with such remark.years back with treat it as jokes and even say back the same thing. Why now suddenly become so sensitive?
Last time when a Malay friend said "Ah Chong makan Babi, gemuk macam babi" we will just said back to them "Ahmad makan lembu sebab itu bodoh macam lembu" Then everybody laugh all the way. But now why suddenly this all become racial issue?
No doubt it is morally wrong for a headmistress to utter such words but why make it such a big fuss. Maybe people like Namewee cannot accept it but what right do he have to use such a vulgar words and signs. He also don't have the right to query why a person should or should not puasa.
This guy should be jailed longtime ago when he post the Negarakuku at Youtube. You can disrespect a person but never disrespect your National Antheam. Every Chinese politician go all out to defend him. Actually all this joker need to take the full responsibilities. Now our YB Lim Kit Siang isndefending him again. That sucks.
Do you watch the TNB video clip. Yeah! What do you feel?
A young stupid and arrogant man. Why I say so, because at TNB building they have their own genset. And the TNB worker was provoke but he remain calm and explain that it was a breakdown and not shutdown. Many times but Namewee was just such an idiot who can't even understand a breakdown or shutdown? And why it was not publish in the media. What a moron.
Do you know the meaning of TNB in the video clip? TNB - Tiu Nia Bu (Fuck your mother) and that is damn bloody rude to the Chinese. Is this type of the young generation that we want? I believe majority of the Chinese don't condone to such manners.
So to YB Lim Kit Siang, please stop defending this boy. He is not worth even a cent and as good as rubbish. Let him serve his wrongdoing.
Apek kampung
Kerana puak-puak bodoh ni lah macam-macam dah terlepas.Kisah Tanjung Pagar terlepas kat Singapore.Ini bahana perbuatan orang bodoh yang dipakaikan tali leher dan jaket seolah-olah cerdik orangnya.Kisah serah kawasan minyak kepada Brunei juga natijah daripada otak bodoh juga.Akhirnya beban-beban yang dilakukan oleh puak-puak bodoh ni terpaksa rakyat pikul dan tanggung.
kah kah kah...dah lama nampak yang bangang2 ni datang dari puak gerombolan je....
kerana puak2 bodo ni la melayu sekarang senang di permainankan oleh bangsa2 lain tengok contoh penyimbahan cat pada surau, kes senyap je
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