Rabu, Januari 28, 2009

Aiyo Yo ... Ular Ada Banyak

Sebagai seorang saudagar, Husin banyak berurus dengan Bank. Macam-macam Banker Husin kenal. Satu masa dahulu, Malaysia ada banyak Bank. Sesama Banker, mereka suka beri gelaran sesama sendiri.

Antara Bank-Bank tempatan, ada Kunyit Bank untuk Kwong Yik Bank, Tiger untuk Maybank, Bumi untuk Bank Bumiputera, dan Pubi* untuk Public Bank. Dog & Cat untuk Development & Commercial Bank (D&C Bank) dan banyak pun pergaduhan antara pemegang saham. Ular Ada Banyak untuk United Asian Bank (UAB). Untung Melayu Bagi Cina untuk United Malayan Banking Corporation (UMBC).

Bank-bank asing pun ada gelarannya. Citibank dipanggil Bandaraya. Chung Kiaw Bank dipanggil Cangkul. OCBC dipanggil dengan nama teruk sekali Oh Coc* Big Cun*.

Akibat krisis kewangan, banyaklah Bank-Bank tempatan dipaksa bersatu jadi satu. Dog & Cat diambilalih dan bertukar jadi Rashid Hussein Bank (RHB). Kunyit Bank diambilalih RHB. UMBC diambilalih oleh Slime Darby jadi Sime Bank. Apabila rugi di pasaran saham, RHB dipaksa ambilalih dan disatu serta dikuasai oleh Bank Utama.

Bank of Commerce (BOC) ambilalih UAB menjadi Commerce yang besar. Apabila Bumi tak tong lagi, diambilalih oleh Commerce . Hari ini jadi CIMB Bank.

Banyak sekali ular lidi makan ular sawa. Tapi ular Cina tak mahu makan.

Pubi* berdegil tidak mahu ambilalih mana-mana Bank lain dan kekal segar. Hong Leong pun hanya satukan Bank dan Finance kerana dia kroni B.A.B.I. yang masa itu MOF. Dua-dua manyak hapi pasal susah jadi ular lidi telan ular sawa.

Ingat hilang sudah peristiwa ular lidi makan ular sawa. Rupanya masih ada apabila ECM Libra makan Avenue Asset. Air Asia pun makan business MAS.

Tak sangka sekali UAB masih kekal hidup lagi. Dia bukan lagi Bank tapi syarikat kapalterbang. Baca di Malaysiakini sini, sini dan sini. Ular Ada Banyak segar dalam Air Asia. Tapi tolong jangan panggil Tony sebagai Fatso. Nama dia Fernandez macam orang Portugis.

Wow! Rupanya jadi ular lidi lagi untung dari jual orang. Lagi selamat berniaga unta.

29 ulasan:

Husin Lempoyang berkata...

Bgai yang tak ada akaun Malaysiakini, Husin senaraikan laporan itu.

My 'biggest mistake' was to sponsor Khairy's MyTeam

Malaysiakini Team | Jan 28, 09 1:22pm

AirAsia boss Tony Fernandez has described his decision to sponsor Khairy Jamaluddin’s MyTeam football project as being the “biggest mistake” of his life.

MCPXHe said the move - which was meant to make some local lads’ dreams come true - “backfired” instead when it was rumoured that Khairy, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s son-in-law, owned a stake in AirAsia.

“The biggest mistake of my life, and to be fair to this guy, (was when) Khairy Jamaluddin’s team came to propose sponsoring the MyTeam (football project).

“How fantastic - taking guys from the rubber estates, from kampungs, from new villages - to London to play Manchester United. This airline is all about making dreams come true. We’ve also sponsored Manchester United. How great!” said Fernandez in a 60-minute interview with Malaysiakini last Thursday in his office at the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal in Sepang.

“But then it backfired because suddenly, it was rumoured that Khairy and the ‘Fourth Floor’ now own 40 percent of AirAsia.”

Fernandes said he was willing to swear on whatever sacred scripture that would satisfy those who claimed that Khairy has a sizable stake in the budget carrier.

“I hate to sound like a politician, but put a Bible, Quran, whatever, in front of me and I'll swear on it and say no! I only did the MyTeam thing with him.”

According to Fernandes, the blogosphere where the rumours have originated has become “sick and twisted”.

‘I’ve tried to engage bloggers’

The AirAsia’s 46-year-old chief executive argued that had he enjoyed close links with Abdullah and Khairy, the airline would not have lost several lucrative contracts to MAS.

He cited the deal to transport Muslim pilgrims to Saudi Arabia and the arrangement with the Defence Ministry to transport soldiers between East Malaysia and Peninsular Malaysia.

“Under DRB-Hicom, we had the haj contract, which was very valuable to us, and I did it for two years. MAS took that away (in 2003). They undercut us, we couldn't match it, and it was gone. But that's fair competition. No complaints. But you say I'm a crony? If so, I should have been able, with all my powerful friends, to keep the haj contract.

“The Ministry of Defence contract, we did it for seven years and gave fantastic service to the army. Look who's minister of defence (PM Abdullah) now. Yet, we lost 50 percent of the defence contract to MAS,” said Fernandes.

He blamed a “vicious” community of bloggers for failing to appraise his company objectively.

“It's guilt by association. I'm ‘collateral damage’, aren't I?” he said. “There's just a vicious community of bloggers out there who just spout hate. I've tried to engage them. I've even invited them here.”

However, if there’s one positive outcome from the personal attacks, it is the motivation for Fernandez to prove his detractors wrong.

“They're willing to bash me and use racial slurs. There's one good thing, though, and that's they've called me fat. So now I'm motivated to be thin! When I read the blogs, I see, ‘Hey Fatso!' But I'm going to show you I can be thin!” said Fernandes, laughing.

Husin Lempoyang berkata...

Q&A: Blogs getting 'sick and twisted'

Malaysiakini Team | Jan 28, 09 1:29pm

Tony Fernandes in the first of a two-part Malaysiakini’s interview with the AirAsia boss talks about the attacks - at times personal - that have been leveled against him in cyberspace.

MCPXMalaysiakini: Other than the proposed KLIA East @ Labu airport, another issue you should be worried about is the impending change of leadership in about two months’ time. There’s talk that you’re close to the present prime minister and Khairy Jamaluddin, his son-in-law. They (the new leadership) could easily, in two months’ time, mothball the project.

Tony Fernandes: One of the main things that has been talked about is AirAsia’s purported closeness (with certain individuals).

I have a hotel business, an aviation business, and a financial portal. None of these really require government approval as far as the hotel and financial portal are concerned. I can get on and do my business. I go and buy my building, I have to get planning permission and approval, off we go.

In my business here (AirAsia), I need routes. In most countries, routes are fairly liberalised. Send your application over and it’s either a yes or no. Most of it is open skies (in other countries). Here, you need to get approval from both governments. And the national airlines (MAS) has an enormous amount of clout.

When AirAsia started, we had two major handicaps. We were competing against a subsidised airline that receives subsidies on their domestic (routes) which range from RM400 million to RM600 million a year. It’s very hard to compete. In the early days, (the global) oil price was US$30, so it was okay. But (the) oil (price) began to creep up. I fought for a level playing-field - remove the domestic subsidies.

In August, it was removed. We had gone to see everybody and all cabinet members and a lot of MPs. We did briefing sessions with MPs to show our situation. Part of that deal was that they gave us the rural air services, which was not (what) we wanted.

I don’t see how anyone can say that (removal of subsidies) is wrong for the country. Taxpayers (now) don’t subsidise MAS. In fact, MAS has become profitable since the subsidy was removed and is competing with us on everything. That’s fair.

The second thing is routes. We lobby (for them just) as MAS lobbies to stop us from getting them. I don’t sit in at post-cabinet meetings. You see in The Edge that the deputy secretary-general (planning) of Ministry of Transport (Long See Wool ) has been appointed to (airport operator) Malaysian Airports Holdings Board (MAHB).

How can that be fair? You know what I mean. MAHB should be made up of independent people. How can anyone be objective when they sit on MAHB’s board and they don’t hear AirAsia’s point of view? This what we’ve been continually fighting (for).

So what have we got from these purported links (Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Khairy)? We’ve got routes, which I think we deserve and it took me seven years to get Kuala Lumpur-Singapore. I still don’t have Penang-Singapore at this point. I’m still fighting for Myanmar, which MAS objected to us getting. I’m still fighting for more rights in Indonesia, (which) MAS objected to us getting.

Yet, what are we trying to do? Bring in tourists, move people around at cheaper costs. It’s good for the country. There were no low fares when AirAsia was not around. MAS didn’t have these super-cheap fares. If you look at it, where we don’t fly, they don’t have super-cheap fares.

All we got - and we had to lobby everyone for it in the cabinet - was the removal of MAS subsidies. We also asked for routes. I’m still lobbying for routes. Tell me something else we’ve got from this purported relationship.

The biggest mistake of my life, and to be fair to this guy, is (when) Khairy Jamaluddin’s team came to propose sponsoring the MyTeam (football project). Honestly, it was the biggest mistake of my life.

How fantastic - taking guys from the rubber estates, from kampungs, from new villages - to London to play Manchester United. This airline is all about making dreams come true. We’ve also sponsored Manchester United. How great!

But then it backfired because suddenly, it was rumoured that Khairy and the ‘Fourth Floor’ now own 40 percent of AirAsia. Come on!

So, is that true or false?

I hate to sound like a politician, but put a Bible, Quran, whatever, in front of me and I’ll swear on it and say no! I only did the MyTeam thing with him (Khairy). Malaysia has become a bit sick and twisted, if you read some of the blogs.

He doesn’t. I honestly feel sorry for the guy. If he benefited from the MyTeam thing and there are criticisms, fair enough. There’s a whole lot of confusion when it involves Khairy, the old guys, the new guys, the in-between guys, and we just got caught (into it). It’s easy to link us.

Me and (the other AirAsia directors) Kamarudin Meranun initially (owned) 80 percent of this airlines along it, Datuk Pahamin (A Rejab), Abdul Aziz Abu Bakar and Conor (McCarthy).

Over the years, we’ve gone public. Me, Kamarudin, Aziz Bakar, and Coner now own about 32 percent of the company. The rest is probably floated. Our value, our stock, has gone down (laughs).

I’ve tried to buy the company back - that’s no secret - because I think we’re undervalued. That’s my confidence in it. So, if you take me, Kamarudin and then you add in what the Fourth Floor is supposed to own and what Khairy is supposed to own, there’s not much left for us.

Are you still pursuing the (privatisation) option?

We can’t for six months now, but ... I put my money where my mouth is.

If someone were to look at it rationally and say that Khairy Jamaluddin and all the Fourth Floor guys are shareholders, what has AirAsia got (in return)? If you say AirAsia operates exclusively on all its routes and MAS cannot operate on them, (that’s a) dodgy (thing to say).

There are so many dodgy deals and concessions out there, but none of them get hammered. But after this (AirAsia’s sponsorship of MyTeam) had gone public, we get hammered.

If I get all the government business, and I’m the only person that can fly civil servants or for National Service (participants), okay. Under DRB-Hicom, we had the haj contract, which was very valuable to us, and I did it for two years. MAS took that away (in 2003). They undercut us, we couldn’t match it, and it was gone.

But that’s fair competition. No complaints. But you say I’m a crony? If so, I should have been able, with all my powerful friends, to keep the haj contract.

The Ministry of Defence contract (with AirAsia when it was under DRB-Hicom to transport soldiers between Sabah, Sarawak and peninsula), we did it for seven years and gave fantastic service to the Army.

Look who’s minister of defence (Prime Minister Abdullah) now. Yet, we lost 50 percent of the defence contract to MAS. They say we’re so powerful. It’s a big contract. (If we were so privileged) MAS wouldn’t be going around saying, ‘Hey, we won the contract, 50 percent is back (with us)’... So there’s nothing that we’ve got!

Why then are you getting all this flack?

It’s guilt by association. I’m ‘collateral damage’, aren’t I?

Perhaps you’re too successful?

Maybe. People say that. I don’t believe that’s the case. There may be some people who may be jealous, but I don’t believe that. I walk around the streets now, and everyone wants to take photographs, everyone wants (me to) sign caps. People want to be like us. We make dreams come true.

There’s a vicious community of bloggers out there who just spout hate. I’ve tried to engage them. I’ve even invited them here. Look at (Wangsa Maju MP) Wee Choo Keong. He’s a member of parliament. He wants such an airline to fail?

We’re a Malaysian company with 6,000 people. I’ve asked him to come and see us so many times. If you’re objective, you’d come in to see us.

In your experience with government-linked companies (GLCs), with all the monopoly that they have, is it stifling private enterprise?

I work with GLCs, and they all can’t be painted with the same broad brush, but when you compete directly with them, it’s tough. How can anyone say (state investment firm) Khazanah Bhd is objective when they own MAS and MAHB?

None of the bloggers have picked that up. They’re willing to bash me and use racial slurs.

There’s one good thing, though, and that’s they’ve called me fat. So now I’m motivated to be thin (laughs). When I read the blogs, I see, ‘Hey Fatso!’ But I’m going to show you I can be thin! (More laughter)

Have you looked at our blog? There are about 1,100 comments.

And most of those have been positive...

And you go look at the Rocky's Bru blog and there are 40 comments… and maybe 30 by vested interest parties. I want to just define the criticism. It’s a myth that (the opposition to AirAsia) is all over the place.

You’ve got a pretty formidable detractor in the form of (former prime minister) Mahathir (Mohamad).

Dr Mahathir gave us the (airline) licence and we owe him a lot for giving us the licence. I don't think he detracts against us, I mean if you read it (his Cet Det blog), he detracts against the (KLIA East @ Labu) airport plan. But he hasn’t heard all sides of the story. I don’t have access to him and he doesn’t see our problems. I dare say he has not even been to the LCCT. And so maybe when he’s given a chance to see…

In his blog, has congratulated AirAsia for having received such high numbers of passengers. He congratulated on our presentation (on Labu). He still has questions, and his and a lot of other people’s views are ‘why can’t it be built here (KLIA)?’ And we're trying to argue that the 'why', (and) articulate it.

It’s not our first desire to move out of here. Our first desire is to be in (Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in) Subang. And in fact, even Dr Mahathir asked, ‘Why can’t we be in Subang?’ I would love to be in Subang.

Tun (Mahathir) is very learned, he gave us the chance - we have built this airline. Hopefully we will be given a chance to show our side of the story.

Are you willing to meet him, talk to him?

I’m willing to meet all the bloggers (to address their concerns with KLIA East @ Labu). (Laughs) I’m definitely willing to meet Tun.

Husin Lempoyang berkata...

AirAsia boss willing to meet Dr M

Malaysiakini Team | Jan 23, 09 1:26pm

Budget carrier AirAsia's ambitious plan to build its own airport has come under heavy fire on the Internet, with among the key detractors being no less than former prime minister turned blogger Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
MCPXAirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandes said he was willing to meet Mahathir to explain why the budget airline was pushing to build a RM1.6 billion low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) in Labu, Negeri Sembilan.

He was convinced that Mahathir, who had backed AirAsia when he was the prime minister, would give him the opportunity to tell his side of the story.

"Dr Mahathir gave us the (airline) licence and we owe him a lot for giving us the licence. I don't think he detracts against us, I mean if you read it (his blog), he detracts against the airport plan," said Fernandes in an interview with Malaysiakini yesterday.

"But he hasn't heard all sides of the story. I don't have access to him and he doesn't see our problems. I dare say he has not even been to the LCCT. And so maybe when he's given a chance to see...".

Mahathir, in a posting last Saturday in his Cet Det blog, has questioned the need for a new LCCT outside of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).

According to the former premier, KLIA has enough land for four additional terminals and three runways to handle up to 125 million passengers a year.

AirAsia is expecting 15 million passengers by end of this year and up to 27 million by 2014. The current LCCT can only handle 10 million passengers and this will be increased to 15 million passengers when a new wing opens in two months.

"In his blog, he has congratulated AirAsia for having received these numbers of passengers. He congratulated our presentation. He still has questions, and his views and a lot of people's views are 'why can't it be built here (KLIA)?' And we're trying to argue that the 'why', (and) articulate it.

"Tun (Mahathir) is very learned, he gave us the chance - we have built this airline. Hopefully we will be given a chance to show our side of the story," he told Malaysiakini at AirAsia's headquarters in LCCT in Sepang.

Fernandes to meet Najib next Friday

The AirAsia boss will also be meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak next Friday to press his case for the new airport, called KLIA-East @ Labu.

While the cabinet has given the green light for the new LCCT in Labu last month, there has been a public outcry over the necessity of four airports serving Kuala Lumpur.

There is however a possibility that LCCT in Labu could be mothballed if the government can iron out a peace deal between airport operator Malaysian Airport Berhad - which has plans to build another LCCT in KLIA - and AirAsia.

AirAsia has a long-running turf war with MAB, a government-linked company and the operator of the overcrowded LCCT, where hundreds of passengers are forced to sit on benches haphazardly placed outside the building.

Fernandes does not rule out keeping AirAsia in KLIA but stated two key conditions, one of which is the budget carrier's demand for low airport fees which will allow it to slash fares.

"What would make us stay? Low charges and an airport we believe can be done at the right time, (and) in time.

"I have enough headaches trying to fight for routes and defending ourselves against the blogs. We have the worst financial crisis in the history of mankind so do you think I really want to go out and take on another challenge (of building a new airport)?

"I think we (AirAsia) will die if we don't resolve it. There won't be an AirAsia. It's that serious. So what do you do? You take things into your own hands, and you try and do something."

He said that he "panicked" when he heard that MAB talked about its new LCCT in KLIA being ready in 2014, and even that it was not at all certain that the deadline will be met.

"I literally panicked. I was on a flight coming back from Hyderabad. I went round looking all over the place for land," he said.

Swamp land in KLIA

He said that he first explored land in the existing LCCT but found much of it was unsuitable.

"This (LCCT) was our first port of call. We talked to the government about (whether we) can build something here. We couldn't really find anything that we thought could be efficient. It was just swamp land and it would take one year to fill it up and RM400 million.

"And then we had other problems. If we build our terminal, you know MAB will argue that 'oh no, we (cannot charge) the terminal fees, but we use the terminal fees for the runway'. So they will have separate aeronautical charges."

He stressed that AirAsia needs to keep charges low if it was to slash fares.

According to Fernandes, he went as far as Perak to search for land for the new airport.

"I went all over the place. We thought Perak, were looking at land in Slim River or something. We went to Selangor, they said they have no land. We went to Negeri (Sembilan). We went everywhere.

"We looked at Carey Island and looked further south from here and then suddenly Labu came along. So we thought: great, the government can't object to that. It's right by KLIA, so there's connectivity. We'll privately fund everything."

AirAsia said the new airport, which will be built in two years, can handle 30 million passengers and has the capacity to expand to 50 million passengers.

Whether KLIA-East @ Labu will go ahead is probably Najib's first major decision as the incoming prime minister.

His decision will signal how his government will balance its need to protect state-controlled companies such as MAB and the need to encourage private entrepreneurship.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Ular lidi makan ular sawa.
Ada jugayang kecik makan yang besar.
Yang rendang makan yang tinggi pun ada.
Rosmah makan biji p.... Najib.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Hai Husin, kalau asyik kamu saja yang komen, mana ruang aku nak komen? asyik-asyik kau, asyik-asyik kau yang komen. so, lain kali saja lah aku komen.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Reading the Tony's interview, I'm pity Air Asia for what they are facing.

Although I would say, Air Asia sux, MAS and Air Asia should be competing in a same level of fairness and let the people decides which one suits them.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

laa apa sengal punya budak beranikan hati ni.. nko tak baca ke apa yg husin quote kat atas tu sapa yg tak ada akaun malaysiakini tu haa..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Saudagar Husin,

Betoi ka `rancangan’ hindraf nak bawak dan junjung mendiang kugan pi ka kuil batu caves naik turun 300 anaktangga kemudian nak dibawa berarak keliling klcc, kemudian nak bawa mendiang jumpa hishamuddin rais dan bang nuar (nak dapat restu mereka) kemudian nak letak kat tengah tengah pintu gate balai polis taipan subang , kemudian baru nak pi kebumi kat puchong betoi ka!??

Zainal A. Kasim berkata...


Komen Tony tentang perkara ini agak jelas dan sewajarnya diperdebatkan dengan lebih mendalam. Bagi saya Air Asia adalah satu pembinaan empayar perniagaan yang akan membanggakan kita rakyat Malaysia tetapi diperlekehkan oleh rakyat kita sendiri.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Bang Cin;

Di negara lain ada ka LCC ada their very own airpot?

2. Kapal terbang nak terbang baru buleh duit (tambang) atau masyuk bila parking (bukan fucking)?

3. Aku memang setuju dengan kewujudan AirAsia akan tetapi BIG IS BAD for economic. This is fact. Itu pasal most efficient SIA pon tak boleh compete dengan AirAsia's business model (kat sini LCC business model AirAsia memang power).

BUT, the same couldn't be said to BIG or FATSO AirAsia. Thus, having very own airport (whether long or short run) won't viable lat alone feasible.

We want a moving planes rather than stationed planes- stationary mean no business! Enough said.


Tanpa Nama berkata...

I am a fan of Tony during formation of his airlines. He started with airlines business by paying RM 2 as token to DRB Hicom. He wanted to call it Tune Air but the goodwill enjoyed by Air Asia brand overruled his intention. Very smart move by very smart businessman.
I listened to his speeches very attentively. (btw he is also a very good speakers). He is definitely a role model.
But last few years he is a different Tony. May be his datukship caused the changes or the new found aquantaince in the form of kalimullah.(btw Pahamin sold his share upon the arrival of Kallimullah) or Tony found short cut to success or Tony is getting greedy.
Anyway I hope Tony will read the comments and reignite the malaysia boleh spirit without those mentioned above. I am your former fan now and I am very sad that you have lost your special position as a role model for young entreprenuers. YOU WANT SHORT CUT TO SUCCESS BY GETTING SPECIAL PRIVILEGES PEOPLE ON BOARD. YOU DONT BELIEVE ON YOUR OWN ABILITY.You live by the sword...you die by the sword.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Teman ucapkan tema kasih kpd Chin.
Dah sampai mase nye buke kotak pandura AA.
Pastikan sebelum 31 mac.
changkat lobak.
arjuna waspada.

Gelombang Rakyat berkata...

Husin Lempoyang,

Pertama kali dangar nama jenaka bank ini semua.

Dulu geng kami gelak nama jenama rokok jah.

Kisah ular lidi telan ular sawa ini memang menyedihkan.

Pelek tapi benar terjadi.

Mendalam pengajarannya.

Hairan satu sahaja. Kenapa Ular Tak Boleh Makan Unta.

Premium Business berkata...

Bongek Man - dulu prinsip Tony, now anyone can fly tapi kini - now anyone can lie.

Walaupun kenyataan Tony, kesilapan besarnya (mungkin sekarang dia kemaluan besar) ialah berdamping dengan KJ untuk team bola tetapi kenyataan itu sekaligus cuba membersihkan dan menafikan KJ ada share dengan Air Asia. Satu mainan politik yang berkesan dan satu lakonan yang mantap dari satu skrip yang baik.

Kebenaran dan persepsi adalah dua perkara yang sama walaupun berbeza.

Sin, menjelang March, Ular ada banyak, no wonder katak banyak yang melompat..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Desperate measures for desperate man.
The beginning of the end.
Kih Kih Kih.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Ada lagi satu bank yang dah lama mati Bank Bunuh Melayu Berhad (BBMB), lepas Melayu kena bunuh jadi Bank Cina Berhad (BCB), kerana nak hidup lama kena kongsi balik dengan tiga bangsa jadi Cina India Melayu Berhad (CIMB) gadai bangsa untuk dapat habuan lebih.... itulah M E L A Y U katakan.

Tanpa Nama berkata...


Habis yang Tony ambik Kali masuk Air Asia tu apa ke halnya.

Satu dunia tahu Kali tu proxy KJ and family, kalau tak camana Air Asia boleh dapat semua apa yang dia nak.....dan boleh buang apa yang dia tak nak.

Orang tak bayar saman, polis bawak warrant tangkap cari sampai lubang cacing.

Air asia utang Malaysia Airport beratus juta, satu keping surat warning pun tak keluar.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

SME Bank
... Semangat Melayu Elek Bank

... Melayu Biar Bangkrup

... Cina India Monopoly Bank

... Habis SeMalaysia Bagi China

... Azman Mampuskan Malay Businessmen

Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Berhad (BKRB)
... Biar Kasi Ramai Bankrup

... Boleh Sakau Nanti

Harapan Melayu hanya dgn Husin saja tinggal. Ambilalih Hong Leong Bank dan jadikan Husin Lempoyang Bank Berhad.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Nak betulkan acronym HSBC Bank sikit

HSBC = Hantu Sini Banyak Celaka

princess jiji berkata...

RHB-Rosak Habis Bank!
apa pulak gelaran utk CIMB bank?Chimpeng ka?

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Pada sayalah - si Tony hanya memperdagangkan idea si KJ untuk impress his father in-law aja. Sbb nak tunjukkan bukti yg his father in-law pun boleh tinggal legacy mcm PMs yg lain, esp yg dok angkat dia jd PM (CheDet). Apa2 pun, sy sokong Tony pasal AirAsia tu - kalau tak dak dia susah le nak jalan2 dgn tambang murah samaada naik kapal terbang dia / MAS. geliga kepala otak si Tony ni, tapi sayang ..... dia termakan dek si KJ. Itu aja.

azlishukri berkata...

kesian si khairy

banjarbp berkata...

Saya pernah menghadiri 'AA success story talk' by Tony. Very impressive and during that period, Idris Jalla just took over MAS. Bila di ajukan soalan kenapa tak mahu tolong atau kerjasama dengan MAS, di kata MAS tak minta pun. Tony was very angry with Singapore and wanted to kill SIA. Ini sebab AA tak dibenarkan mendarat di Changi dan AA mendarat di Senai dan gunakan bas untuk bawa penumpang dari Sg.

Sg pun pandai dan beli saham AA dan benarkan AA mendarat. Selepas itu rasanya semakin besar kepala dan dah mula nak telan MAS. Kalau bercakap memang sangat menakjubkan tetapi rasanya natioan Carrier perlu juga dijaga.

Sambung lain masa.....ada banyak lagi.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Tuan Husin,
itu kunyit bank tak ada kena mengena dengan Anwar Ibrahim ye? dan tak ada kena mengena juga dengan stor kunyit dia ye? Sori, saya manaip ni pun nak tergelak juga.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Dollah dengan menantunya tu takkan bodoh nak bubuh nama sendiri sebagai pemegang saham Airasia...

Ngok betul la si Tony penipu nih...

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Saudara semua... zaman sekarang ni siapa yang cepat dia sampai dulu, siapa yang bijak dia makan yang kurang bijak, siapa yang gagah dia lanyak yang lemah, siapa yang kaya dia beli dengan wang, Siapa yang berkuasa dia boleh lakukan sekehendak dia, siapa AirAsia dia boleh apa-apa ajer..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Ana bagi pantun sin..

Siakap Senohong Gelama Ikan Duri,
Bercakap bohong Lama-lama mencuri,
Ular Sawa kena makan ular lidi,
AA untung masuk poket khairi.

Terongpipit berkata...


Pedas cili burung kau... berasap kedua belah telinga Mr Air Asia...hehehe

Nasirudin Anjud berkata...

Siapa orang Malaysia yang tidak bangga dengan Syarikat Air Asia? Peneraju Tambang Murah di Asia, "sekarang semua orang mampu terbang". Penumpangnya pun ramai melayu sehingga Mat Jenin pun dapat jejak kaki ke Great Wall.Memang benar dan kita semua sokong Air Asia harumkan nama Malaysia.
Tapi adakah dengan menjadi peniaga terbaik di Asia ataupun di dunia sekalipun boleh beri lesen kepada Tony untuk membuat sesuatu yang membazir. Banyak orang dari penjual cendol di Kuala Terengganu sehingga kepada Tun Mahathir semua menentang Airport Labu ini. Takkanlah mereka begitu unreasonable...
Puncanya, dan ini perkara sebenar, si Tony ni ada masalah dengan MAHB, perinciannya kita kurang pasti. Yang pastinya beliau nak guna Labu Airport ni sebagai cagaran dalam usaha untuk kenakan MAHB. Itu saja.
Mujurlah kita 'blogger' semua masih waras dan sanggup ke depan menentang si Tony. Tidak apa kalau kita dikatakan vicious apa-apa lah, dikata blog rocky tak lakulah ada vested interest la....blog dia banyak komen la dari orang lain... tetapi yang pastinya kita tak ingin tambahkan sebuah airport yang akhirnya hanya pindahkan penumpang dari sebuah airport (KLIA) yang sudah ada dan akhirnya bunuh dia (KLIA).
Kalau boleh Tony rundingla dengan orang MAHB dulu, cari penyelesaian menang-menang. Tak payah lah susah-susah aje(sebut macam felix af)nak susun lobi sana sini nak pengaruh kabinet. MAHB pun manusia biasa jugak BODnya tentu boleh runding.
Dan kalau tak boleh runding bagi tau kami semua, kami boleh vouch untuk sesuatu yang konstruktif.
Tapi first Tony kena bagi kami some respect dulu. Ok good luck Tony.
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