Ini adalah antara persoalan yang perlu dijawab. Tetamu-tetamu kita hari ini adalah beberapa orang penganalisa politik veteran ulung yang akan mengupas keputusan pemilihan UMNO.
Mula-mula saya bertanyakan Prof Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah, dari Universiti Malaya yang juga mengepalai Zentrum Future Studies Malaysia. Prof, apakah trend dilihat dari taburan pemenang-pemenang untuk jawatan-jawatan utama, ahli Majlis Tertinggi, Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri.
Perwakilan telah melakukan keputusan yang bebas, analitikal dan matang. Ini adalah bibit transformasi yang merupakan satu manifestasi kesediaan perwakilan untuk keluar dari bibit kepompong pemikiran conservatism dan kesediaan mereka untuk memeluk political economic yang berpaksi kepada kapitalisma terbuka ala globalisasi dan zionisasi.
Apa pula pendapat Tuan Husin Lempoyang, komentar blog satira politik terkenal, Husin Lempoyang?

Kita patut bertanya, apa yang matang sangat perwakilan bila mereka memilih Azeez Rahim mengatasi pemimpin-pemimpin yang hebat? Banyak lagi tenaga muda yang berupaya. Adakah perwakilan menghargai sumbangan Azeez sebagai Ketua Putera yang menjadi sistem cadre untuk memperkasakan Khairy di peringkat Pemuda Bahagian. Banyak sekali publisiti buruk terhadap Azeez dan Putera yang menyumbang kepada imej buruk UMNO. Tak akan orang seperti Azeez boleh terpilih melebihi Menteri-Menteri Besar, Menteri yang tidak tukar pendirian dan putar belit seperti Shahrir Samad dan Menteri yang bersih seperti Azalina?
Ini memang satu persoalan. Apa pula pendapat Dr Hasan Ahmad?

Tapi kami sokong diperkasakan bahasa ibunda Cina dan Tamil kerana Dong Zong sokong GMP. Mereka mengamalkan Aparthied persekolahan yang tidak bergaul dengan anak-anak Melayu. Ini membantu mengekalkan sifat keMalayuan anak-anak kita.
Keputusan pemilehan macam mana Datok ...

Saya bangga dengan kejayaan Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang mengatasi Hishamuddin. Kami agak sedih Muhammad Taib dan Khaled Nordin kalah tetapi masih banyak lagi ahli MT yang tidak boleh cakap Inglis seperti Noh Omar, dan Bung Mokhtar. Pengerusi Tetap, Dato Badruddin pun orang kami. Ini semua akan secara otomatik mengurangkan kelumrahan kegunaan bahasa Inggeris dan mengagalkan program PPSMI.
Saya nak berbalik kepada Tuan Husin Lempoyang. Apakah trend yang dilihat dalam keputusan pemilihan ini?

Bukankah selalunya selepas satu-satu peralihan kuasa, faction-faction yang ada akan menukar kesetiaan kepada kepimpinan yang baru dan memberi kesetiaan?

Masaalah kecil untuk Wanita adalah Exco Wanita masih lagi didominasi oleh makcik-makcik dan kurang sekali jumlah yang dinamik dan berlatarbelakang yang disebut Noh Omar, fofesyenal. Tapi ada trend yang muncul dengan kemasukkan peguam muda bekas Bendahari Puteri, Suraya Yaacob menang. Secara amnya, masih makcik-makcik lagi kebanyakkannya.
Manakala masaalah kecil Puteri dan ini trend tidak baik untuk seluruh UMNO. Kebanyakkan yang menang dalam Puteri gemuk-gemuk dan macam Makcik-Makcik. Seolah-olah perwakilan Pueteri menolak mereka yang lawa-lawa. ...
Ha ha ha ... Saya rasa ianya boleh diperbetulkan dengan pendidikkan dan program pemakanan. Jika trend ini berterusan, ianya terselesai dengan sendiri. Cuma adakah masa hingga PRU13 untuk tunggu trend ini berubah? Kita berbalik semula kepada Tuan Husin. Apa pula masalah besar yang Tuan Husin katakan tadi?

Masaalah yang besar yang masih tidak akan ditangani oleh kepimpinan adalah masaalah di sayap Wanita dan Puteri. Kedua-dua sayap ini masih dianggotai oleh perempuan ...
41 ulasan:
Pening Dato Najib. Penuh dengan bahalul perosak Pak Lah dan Khairy. Padan speech Pak Lah sikit punya memujuk. Baik bubar UMNO saja.
salam tuan,
wow kini di kaca tv memberi komentar.
Apa-apa pun jika tidak menurut kehendak rakyat UMNO akan ada masalah .
jadi si tuan badan yang terpilih tu kena selesaikan.
kalau tak berjaya lebih baik berundur macam Pak lah.
Negara selamat
Tuan Husin,
Jangan pening pening dan susyah susyah piker piker Ameno punya hal...Dalam kampung pun Ameno dah tak betol, ini kan pulak nun di tas nu...piker piker la sendiri..
Ada satu lagi nak tambah.. Apakah pemimpin Ameno mengamalkan tradisi meninggalkan 'taik' kepada orang di belakangnya supaya mereka akan terpijak setelah dia berambus? Pak Lah 'tinggalkan' KJ untuk Najib... Kah Kah Kah Kah sepertimana Tun M tinggalkan bertong tong 'taik' untuk Pak Lah! Kah Kah Kah...
Tuan Husin, masalah besar yang Tuan Husin sebutkan itu memang mengganggu fikiran. Jelas para perwakilan tidak dapat menerima jantina selain perempuan untuk meneraui sayap wanita dan puteri. Contoh paling nyata ialah Azalina yang tidak lagi layak bertanding sebagai Ketua Puteri (kerana sudah "tidak lagi pink"), tidak dapat diterima oleh Wanita, walaupun untuk jawatan AJK kerana perwakilan menganggap dia "belum merah". Saya harap Azalina segera bertukar menjadi biru tua sebelum beliau menjadi merah hati.
Jgn pekecilkan Mukhriz. Dalam sehari dua ni, dia akan mendapat mimpi i.e arahan untuk berjumpa dgn Sulaiman Akhlakan.
Nanti barulah dia org tau yang Mukhriz lebih kaya dari Khir Toyo, malah lebih kaya dari Khairy Jamaluddin.
Biasalah Sin, cerita Melayu mesti happy ending
Heeee tang gemuk tu tengok taste kalau Is3 kurus memang minat dan sokong sangat la tapi kalau Is3 yang sedia ada gemuk nyampah tengok barisan MT wanita yang gemuk.Untuk sedapkan hati boleh sebut barisan MT yang kurang kurus,dapat la rasa kurus juga.Heeee Betul ker wanita kurang kurus penyayang lebih?
Hahahahaahahaha... kena sebijik prof spek tebal ... eee getik tengok spek. woi, gi tukar spek cepat.. yang lagi tebal wraparound macam tupperware!!!!!
Selepas PAU berakhir di PWTC, kita telah saksikan bahawa rasuah sangat berkuasa dalam UMNO.
Menteri2 yang kedekut atau takut memberi rasuah - semua tewas.
Paling malang kaum wanita UMNO, cuma 'sebiji' sahaja yang memang dalam semua jawatan dan AJK MT UMNO, kecuali di sayap 'Wanita dan Puteri'.
Mengapa jadi begini?
Jawapan nya kerana wanita behati bersih dan mulia - 100% anti rasuah.
Cuma dibahagian wanita sahaja sudah nampak berubah dan bersih.
Malang nya dibahagian lain, terutama nya 'pemuda' masih tidak beruba, BAHKAN SEMAKIN BERTAMBAH TERUK.
UMNO tidak akan berubah, rasuan sudah jadi darah daging UMNO.
Cuma rakyat yang pintar dan sedar sahaja boleh merubahkan UMNO.
tuan husin,,
bila nak diinterwiew oleh CNN,BBC atau paper Perancis??
Now finally UMNO is united again.
The only problem which is bothering the grassroot members now is how to treat KJ the new Ketua Pemuda who managed to get only 38% of the total votes cast and who was found gulity of wrong doing by Disciplinary Committee.
He is now pain in the ass as far as UMNO is concerned.
It looks like he might just continue playing "money politics" within the Pemuda excos in order to make the exco members rally behind him and to exert his authority as an "absolute" Ketua Pemuda.
So in the final analysis you will see the whole bunch of Pemuda UMNO exco members will behave just like their boss, corrupted lot of the first order.
Rosak, rosak, rosak !!
Saya rasa KJ akan terus diganyang oleh Tun M dalam blognya tiap kali KJ "melalut". !!!
Tuan Husin,
...dan Menteri yang bersih seperti Azalina?
Ha..Ha.. Ha.. Kalau Azalina itu bersih, maka tiada rasuah dalam UMNO!
Salam Tuan Husin,
Since Tuan Husin called for UMNO funeral, let's get ourselves cangkuls and shovels.
Salam tuan husin! Lawak larr, walaupun sedih pasal dato mukhriz kalah, tapi lawak tuan husin pengubat duka. Biarkan KJ urus pemuda dan Dato Najib lantik Dato Mukhriz sebagai menteri penuh barulah luka di hati pemuda akarumbi terubat walaupun tak sepenuhnya. Kat bukit selambau aku tak pasti bn boleh menang, pasal calon bebas dua orang melayu, lain semua hitam legam termasuk calon bn dan pkr. Wahai sahabatku semua pemuda akarumbi termasuk tuan husin, insyaalah dato najib akan meletakkan dato mukhriz menteri penuh (aku tengah lobi kat datin seri rosmah). Salam "myocate@yahoo.com.my"
Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah merupakan 'regular guest' bagi beberapa rancangan berbentuk diskusi dalam Astro Awani. Apa yang beliau kata membuat saya tertarik untuk mencari maklumat tentang beliau.
Anyway, posting sdr sentiasa 'entertaining', yet 'spot on'!
- cikgu yang mengajar bi dalm bm -
The first thing Azeez will contribute his "productive" idea in the Mesyuarat MT is by suggesting to get all the new members of MT including Najib and Mahyuddin to fly to the North Pole and do the parachute jumping 7 kali untuk "buang swei" just like what he did to the Mat Rempits.
That's the quality of Azeez as ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO.
Lepas tu dia akan "bodek" menteri untuk dapatkan AP.
Betul tak,Sin? kah,kah,kah !!!
Pak Husin! Jangan bimbang! Melayu akan selamat! Bukankah kita sudah ada pemimpin besar Bernama Azeeeez!
Alhamdulillah kita akan maju dan negara akan bertambah aman!
Tidur Sin, tidur!
Kalau dah ada Azeeeez kita akan sellamaaaat!
Tengku Adnan: Lack Of Umno Flags Part Of Concept Change
By Azril Annuar
KUALA LUMPUR, March 28 (Bernama) -- The lack of Umno flags during the Umno General Assembly was part of the changes Umno is instituting in the party, Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said.
He told Bernama at the end of the five-day assembly that this year's concept was different from previous assemblies to reflect the party's transformation.
"There are actually many flags around. Just look around you. The delegates were complaining because they did not understand the change of concept that we're making this year," said Tengku Adnan.
Several delegates had complained that there were hardly Umno flags in this year's assembly.
Alahai,Sin. Inikah qualiti perwakilan yang menghadiri persidangan UMNO. Nampak benar macam IQ mereka rendah. Perkara remeh macam ni pun dibangkitkan. Adakah mengibarkan beratus bendera UMNO akan meningkatkan image UMNO yang dah setengah "kojol"?
Patutlah apabila nama-nama pemimpin yang diistiharkan menang didapati ada yang patut layak menang tapi tak menang dan yang tak layak menang tapi menang. Rupanya ada Bahagian yang menghantar perwakilan yang haprak dan HP6 tidak dapat membezakan yang mana kaca dan yang mana intan diantara pemimpin yang bertanding.
Mereka mungkin datang dengan satu niat sahaja iaitu hendak "PAU" pemimpin-pemimpin yang bertanding supaya mereka balik dari persidangan poket berkepuk-kepuk penuh dengan "WANG EMAS DINAR".Dapatlah belanja sakan!!
AKU rasa geng MT baru ni ok jugak...kecuali Azeez bapak mt rempit tu aje...kita bagi laa peluang kt depa.
YANG palat dan ralat ialah KP saja yang jauh tersasar dari permintaan akar umbi..KJ budak hitam tu laa...yang ini tak boleh bagi peluang...kita mesti bantah dan tentang habis habisan kerana dialah akan jadi gunting dalam lipatan.....duri..
MULAI dari saat ini aku istiharkan PERANG keatas KJ. Kalau SUKJ nak beli...aku sedia nak jual...murah murah bro...
Khairy's priority to unite Youth
Khairy Jamaluddin says he has to work hard to unite Youth members.
KUALA LUMPUR: "I'm wasting no time to close ranks even with three by-elections coming up. Time is running out. I have to work hard to reunite the Youth," said the Rembau member of parliament, who took over the helms of the movement from Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein after Wednesday's polls.
He expressed the hope that exco members would give him their undivided support.
Yes, KJ, you can close ranks but the perception of the majority of Pemuda UMNO grassroot members and the rakyat feel that your credibility is questionable. The perception of the rakyat is that UMNO youth is being headed by a bloody corrupted leader.What a disgrace!!
You are a liability to UMNO and I doubt you can achieve anything to project a good image for Pemuda UMNO. Pemuda UMNO is now considered as a "pariah" UMNO youth wing.
Only a moron who has no moral value would respect you as Ketua Pemuda. Your maruah has gone to the drain. Make no mistake about it.
Wherever you go the stigma of being a corrupted leader is always sticking on your forehead and would not be easily erased for sure.
Where is your conscience, KJ? If I were you, I would step down immediately to uphold my dignity.
Respect is to be earned and I don't think you will ever get the respect from UMNO grassroot members, UMNO youth members, the Malays, members of BN parties and the whole rakyat.
All your exco members are directly affected by your immoral behaviour of being a corrupted leader. I just wonder how they are going to face the fact that their leader's credibility is GROUND ZERO.
Your victory is artificial and not absolute. Remember, you won only 38% of the total votes cast. How are you going to lead an organization with 60% of the members rejected you outright as their leader. Not unless you continue to play "dirty tricks" all the way to ensure that your position is intact.
I hope Najib will sideline you or put you in a cold storage so as to prevent UMNO's image from becoming bad to worse. You really have caused serious damage to the party's credibility. It is very UGLY indeed.
hak ujung tu lain macam bunyi nyer..
Heavy Duty For Khairy
By Syed Azwan Syed Ali
KUALA LUMPUR, March 28 (Bernama) -- Perhaps it is fair to say that the foremost challenge facing Umno Youth after its elections, is changing the negative perception about the movement from within and outside the party.
This definitely includes the negative perception of its leader Khairy Jamaluddin, who was constantly booed by the delegates each time his name was mentioned at the party's general assembly which ended, here, today.
"People think that he won because of money politics. This perception is difficult to avoid," political observer Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Nidzammuddin Sulaiman told Bernama today.
Many political observers also see this negative perception posing as a bigger challenge for Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) when they face the opposition in three by-elections simultaneously -- Bukit Gantang in Perak, Bukit Selambau in Kedah and Batang Ai in Sarawak -- on April 7.
Khairy was issued a warning by the Umno Disciplinary Board for breaching the party's code of ethics involving money politics.
Nidzammuddin said what was important now was for Khairy to overcome the negative perception about him.
"Khairy is under tremendous pressure.
Political analysts feel that Khairy needs to really work hard to change the negative perception about him because traditionally, the head of Umno Youth will be appointed as BN Youth chief.
If he doesn't change, Khairy will be just a 'village champion', they say.
KJ is a goner.I don't think he could ever recover his badly dented credibility.
It is ground zero chance for him to mend his evil deeds politically.
The perception about him being a bad boy or budak hitam has long being in the minds of the rakyat since the day his father-in-law became the Prime Minister. Not only just after he was being found guilty of corrupt practice by the UMNO Disciplinary committee.
It is already being imbibed in the minds of the rakyat he is one the culprits who destroyed UMNO and could not be easily forgiven or be erased in their minds.
He will definitely be just a "JAGOH KAMPONG".He will be snubbed by other youth wings of BN component parties as well as the opposition parties.
If UMNO desperately wants to get back the confidence of the rakyat KJ must not be involved in any political activities at all from now onwards, period.
I would suggest the right course of action for UMNO to deal with KJ's problem is to get him out of sight by sending him to further his studies just like Fairus of PKR.
Then only UMNO will stand a good chance to revive its image without him being around spoiling the whole exercise of changing the party's fate.
Believe me, this is the only option available for Najib to strengthen the party's image in the eyes of rakyat.
salam otai² sumer..cume nak menyelit sikit, kita nie bangsa MELAYU yang beragama ISLAM, UMNO Parti org MELAYU ape salahnya kita beri pendapat yang bernas kepada pemimpin atasan untuk dibaikpulih parti tersebut???jgn la kita menghentam sesuka hati je, kalau kita hentam sesuka hati mcm nie sampai bila nak UMNO nak berubah??? saya tau akan ada yang tidak berpuas hati dengan komen saya nie..ape pun saya sayang kan UMNO kerana ia parti untuk org melayu, parti yang telah memperjuangkan nasib kita selama berpuluh-puluh tahun....kita sebagai org bawah nie harus menegur pihak atasan dengan cara berhikmah.....
Aku suka dengan satira hang kali ni Sin. Otak kau memang bergeliga.
Tapi aku tau hang sedih Mukhriz kalah...tak pa Sin. Rocky Brupun sedih jugak.
Tapi aku dengar dia nak dilantik jadi tauke NST.
Hang jadi apa Sin..? Jadi tauke Sin Chew pun ok gak...
He he.
Peh! Si tolol Rais tiub busuk pun pandai tinggalkan komen kat sisn ? Dia punya website tarak laku kah ? Nak kutuk org tinggalkan taik, ko punya idola tu yg selalu liwats tu apa cerita ? Tapi hakikatnya N. Ajis mmg NikMat.
More M'sians Suffer From Hypertension
JOHOR BAHARU, March 29 (Bernama) -- Adult Malaysians generally are unaware they suffer from hypertension...and the statistics keep rising.
Yes, agreed. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila kita telah dihidangkan oleh perwakilan UMNO dengan kemenangan pemimpin-pemimpin yang haprak, HP6 dan perasuah.
Pengsan dibuatnya, kawan !!
Azalina Lets Najib Decide On Cabinet Post
KUALA LUMPUR, March 29 (Bernama) -- Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said, who failed to retain her seat on the Umno Supreme Council, is leaving it to incoming prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to decide on her position in the new Cabinet.
"It depends on the good offices of the incoming prime minister to make the decision. I leave it to him. I have no problem in accepting his decision," she told reporters here today.
Well, Azalina, just too bad. I don't think Najib will consider you at all.
Your credibility is questionable.
Muslim Converts Join Treasure Hunt On Islamic Knowledge
KUALA LUMPUR, March 29 (Bernama) -- More than 100 people today participated in a road treasure hunt with a difference -- finding answers to clues based on Islamic knowledge.
The participants, all Muslim converts and some among them from abroad, had to find answers to questions on Islamic teachings within a five-kilometre radius of the National Mosque here.
The treasure hunt, carrying the theme "A Drive to Appreciate God's Creations", was organised by the Islamic Outreach-ABIM (Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement) with the cooperation of the National Mosque.
It was flagged off at the mosque by Senior Assistant Director of the mosque's Social Service Unit, Md Ali Sarbini.
Md Ali said the participants had to find answers to questions on Islamic knowledge at every pit stop, for example how many times one has to pray in a day.
I wonder if there were questions like how many wives can a Muslim marry? What is murtad? List the 5 pillars of Islam?
Proposal To Allow Group A Teachers Join Politics Gets Mixed Response
KUALA LUMPUR, March 29 (Bernama) -- The proposal by Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein to allow group A teachers to be involved in politics has met mixed response from various quarters.
Some were all for it while others were against the idea fearing it would affect teaching and students as some teachers might be influenced by the opposition.
I am not in favour. The tendency for these teachers to neglect their profession is great. We simply cannot compare the situation 30 or 40 years ago where teachers were regarded as true nationalists to fight against the British. But now the social environment is totally different.I am afraid they might focus their involvement in politics for material gains rather than truly wanting to champion the rakyat.Nowadays the perception is that there is a lot of opportunity
to be gained materially, if you are directly involved in politics.
Looking at the background of the present Malay teachers especially in the rural areas I can safely say that they are more inclined to be symphatizer of the opposition parties.
Husin, apa kata hang cadangkan prof goggle zentrum tu jadi ketua puteri, eh sorry pemuda, di pilihanraya umno kemudian nanti. asyik2 dia dalam program awani ni apa hal??!! cuba hang tanya suhaimi dan bos awani. dia ni macam lebih kepada pensyarah mass comm tapi jadi penganalisis politik pulak. patut la hancoq politik melayu.
Dia masuk TV, sebab ada yg puji dia baguih masa jadi panel tu...
Takkan hang nak judge dia pandai berdasarkan spec dia kot...
Camtu org lain pun akan judge husin berdasarkan kerempingan nya...
Kerempeng tak cukup isi la...sebab dah di bagi pada hampa semua buat lawak..
boleh gak aku puji ko sin, untung2 lepas ni masuk tv..hehe
Tapi program lawak la yer
ala org masuk tv pun nak kecoh..nak pertikai goggles dia pulak..
Itu la kalau dah dengki, bermacam2 kekurangan org di tonjol..
lepas ni sin kena jual ketam..sebab dia pun jalan mengiring..hehe
ko tukau nama, the new husin ketam
Exco Puteri gemuk2?hahahahaha..suami saya pun berkata begitu!dan sempat buat joke if saya nak jadi exco,kena membesarkan badan!hahahahahahahahahahaha
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