Selasa, Jun 12, 2007

BUM.ASS to KickdeMonsterball and Rule the World

Husin Lempoyang (The camel merchant from Cairo that made more money from selling the two greedy and idiot brothers - Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahid - than trading in Camels. Wow!) had plans to form B.A.B.I. ... Band of Allienated Bloggers Inc.

Husin Lempoyang (The camel merchant from Cairo that made more money from selling the two greedy and idiot brothers - Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahid - than trading in Camels. Wow!) couldn't find the right reason to form it. Furthermore, Malay Males' BOOBS beat Husin Lempoyang to the formation of the 4th Bloggers Alliance.

Husin Lempoyang (The camel merchant from Cairo that made more money from selling the two greedy and idiot brothers - Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahid - than trading in Camels. Wow!) see that the 4th Blogger Alliance is a good omen. Four is "sayyy" in Cantonese and it means death.

Since BOOBS has disbanded, Husin Lempoyang (The camel merchant from Cairo that made more money from selling the two greedy and idiot brothers - Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahid - than trading in Camels. Wow!) now has got the locus standi and will form "Bloggers Untuk Monsterball Agar di Singkir Selamanya".

In short, thats BUM.ASS!

This should not be confused as a Club for Anwar Ibrahim's Supporter & Sympathisers for they have form Keldaian or Donkeyism, a political party of their own.

The public will see that it is for bumping of Monsterball.

Our ulterior reason is to bump out the Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, from his Prime Ministership and install Husin Lempoyang (The camel merchant from Cairo that made more money from selling the two greedy and idiot brothers - Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahid - than trading in Camels. Wow!) as Prime Minister.

The Modus Operandi is to first call AAB Gay and KJ his homosexual lover. We will compile sufficient tilam evidences of his and KJ's semen to convict him in court. Although AAB is now married, we already have DNA profile of Jeanne's banjir to distinguish from that of AAB.

Other target will be Samy "Value" whose ass has bocor thus proves he is Gay. Rafidah "Ass"ziz, who bocor Proton, will be convicted as Lesbian. Azlina convicted as gay or lesbian, Husin Lempoyang (The camel merchant from Cairo that made more money from selling the two greedy and idiot brothers - Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahid - than trading in Camels. Wow!) is still confused here.

Last but not least, is Nazri, whose bocor mouth proves he performs blowjob on men.

To be fair to the Chinese, I decide to go after Lim Keng Yaik, whose stuttering words, will be used as proof of his homosexuality. Off course, the big mouth Monsterball will be proven as an ACDC.

The Husin Lempoyang's (The camel merchant from Cairo that made more money from selling the two greedy and idiot brothers - Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahid - than trading in Camels. Wow!) proposed Protem Committee, are those sufficiently mean. They are:

Shar101 (President)
Simon Wee (Vice President)
Shanghai Stephen (Secretary)
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar (Honorable Treasurer. Despite not a blogger, is proposed to strengthen our money power to take on the Star/Genting Alliance).

Other Comittee member will be BigDog, A Voice, Kerp, and Yusof. Others can be proposed but must require my concurrence.

Rocky and Jeff Ooi have to be excluded to focus on their court case and in turn counter sue Kalimullah, Brendan Pereira and gang till "jatuh miskin".

Adviser will off course be me, Husin Lempoyang, (The camel merchant from Cairo that made more money from selling the two greedy and idiot brothers - Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahid - than trading in Camels. Wow!)

As a "British" Adviser, whose advise must be obeyed, the Protem Committee will initially not have ladies. Monsterball can buy them out to be his concubine. Ladies are gullible to all of Sheih's lies via his sentimental wayang. Also, ladies are too apologetic and will easily fall for AAB's hype using his recent marriage.

Membership is open to all but must be first screened by our stronger-than- M16-CIA-and-KGB-Intelligence outfit, Special "Brunch". It will be under supervision of BigDog, who can eat up any trace and evidence of our operation.

To be a member, they must fill up pink form of Scomi, ECM Libra Avenue, TR Synergy, and AirAsia. When approved, they will have the option to have shares in company's development of Proton's land. Yes, we will not try to save Proton also but might as well benefit from it. MAS will be converted for private use of BUM.ASS members for Free.

Thus, being a member of BUM.ASS will be a powerful and financially rewarding affair.

After NSTP and the gang of four has "jatuh miskin", our Treasurer will resurrect it. Rocky will be install as the GEIC to take charge of NST. Nuraina as Assistant in charge of Malay Mail, and Berita Harian. AKJ will be Adviser.

Husin Lempoyang (The camel merchant from Cairo that made more money from selling the two greedy and idiot brothers - Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahid - than trading in Camels. Wow!) will want to restructure all MSM.

Dato Ron will be GEIC for Utusan if he refuse to reenter politics and be Menteri untuk Hal Ehwal Kebajikan Blogger, specifically BUM.ASS.

Jeff Ooi will takeover all the Chinese newspapers from the Sarawak tycoon. Malay Male will takeover Sun and the Edge to turn it into porn newspaper. After all, the way some of our corporate people do busines is pornographic.

RPK will be "asked" to stop Malaysia Today and return to England takeover Mancheseter United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool. So all the warring football fans in Britain and the World are under Husin Lempoyang control.

Thats the initial plan. The bigger picture will not be disclosed yet but its for world domination. So, first "singkirkan Monsterball!

Hidup BUM.ASS!

Hidup Husin Lempoyang (The camel merchant from Cairo that made more money from selling the two greedy and idiot brothers - Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahid - than trading in Camels. Wow!)!

Muahahaha muhahahhaha hahahahhaa hahahhaha hohohohoho hoohhohoho kah kah kah kah hehehheheh!!!!! Note: The laugh of an evil man)

Isnin, Jun 11, 2007

Babak Perkahwinan Seorang Perdana Menteri

"Berapa kali lafaz," tanya wartawan yang nakal.

"Sekali" jawab Pak Lah sambil tersenyum apabila ditanya mengenai akad nikahnya. Dia memang orangnya ada sense of humour.

Hai ... dah lama jawab ijabkabul, masih cekap. Mengikut sumber RPK, ini adalah ulangan. "Shoosh!!! Diam diam! Kami dah nikah, nak." Kalau ikut ceritanya, Nori tangkap mereka dalam bilek bersama-sama di Perth dan hampir menjerit. Terpaksa Pak Lah cepat mengaku untuk meredakan dan tidak menarik perhatian pegawal keselamatan.

Pak Lah pun dah mintak izin Nori untuk kahwin. Itu yang seorang komentator kawan Kamal Amir, yang tak tahu peristiwa itu, berkata seorang ayah tak perlu mintak izin anak untuk kahwin.

Ada cerita lain kata KJ tangkap Jeanne dalam bileh Pak Lah di Putrajaya. Dia memarahi Jeanne, "What are you doing here?!"

Rumput dah bersih pun ... Ambil hati anak sambil dilihat dunia.

Sang Kelembai pula kata Pak Lah dah buat menggatal dengan Jeanne dan Hendon pernah dalam mengaruk suruh tunggu rumput naik sekaki. Kan Husin Lempoyang dah cerita dulu.

Ahli politik, kalau tak di sukai lagi kan tak habis-habis menghadapi pelbagai persoalan.

Si mamak di Makbol pun boleh tanya, "Macam mana brother, itu lembik punya woorang kawin sama itu lama punya menachi, boleh suuurrr ka?”

Sang Kelembai sola pasal samada Pak Lah telah mendapat sijil pengesahan doktor bersih dari AIDS. Apa pula maksud soalan itu ye? Tak baik.

Ada tanya apa perasan bekas suami dan peliknya berlaku bukan salin tikar tapi biras kahwin biras. Alah, Pak Lah kan family man dan keluarga itu sangat penting dalam hidupnya.

Sebenarnya, dia marah kerana tak dapat cemburu macam dengan Azmi Khalid kahwin Normala cun dan Affendi Nowawi kahwin Tiara yang glamour.

Orang politik kata rakyat marah, "Every Malaysian thought that PM will be announcing the forthcoming Election but instead he announced his forthcoming Er**tion."

Dengan isu sedang panas dan politik Pak Lah tak menentu, balaci-balacinya sedang sibuk memperbaiki imejnya yang mungkin di tentang di PRU dan pemilehan UMNO. Mereka merungut, "Dia bukan nak jadi calon pertandingan, tapi calon persandingan."

Ada pula rakyat merungut dengan memarahi parti pembangkang, "Kenapa PAS tu dok sibuk cek harga barang-barang naik. Pergilah cek barang Pak Lah naik ke tidak?!"

Memang ada yang mempertikaikan samada anu tu berfungsi. Bak kata, satu komentar, disebut

"After the initial e**ction, one can expect a premature e**culation. Lets not hope for any jub*lation."

Pak Lah tidak pengsan, kurang tidor. Doktor kata semua ok. Pastinya kalau tidak pasal tak cukup tidor malam, kita boleh tetap adakan early "e**ction", maksudnya pagi-pagilah.

Sampai banjir mlam tadi di Kuala Lumpur pun dikatakan petanda tak baik dari perkahwinan Pak Lah. Banjir punya hal pun, dema marahkan Perdana Menteri, "Sepatutnya Jeanne yang banjir besar, bukan Kuala Lumpur."

Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan lancar. Husin Lempoyang dah tak mahu dengar cakap-cakap tak baik macam ini. Sesiapa pun kahwin, kita sepatutnya mengucapkan kebahgiaan mereka.

Seperti dilaporkan komen Aspan Alias mengenai respon Ali Ketam. "Ekau kono ingat dan dongar baik-baik komen Datuk Ali Rustam maso wartawan TV tanyo tontang berito Abdullah nak menikah sekali lagi."

"Kato Ali Rustam, paling tidak kalau selamo ini bilo PM pulang dari kerjo dio sangkut baju sendiri, dan dongan berakhirnyo zaman mendudo Abdullah mako adolah orang yang membantu beliau tolong sangkutkan bajunyo.... bukan boleh buek apo-apo tolong sangkut baju dan seluar ajo."

Buat sangkut baju ke atau untuk populariti atau feel good, dia dah kahwin.

Janganlah ada cerita pasal RM50 juta compensation dan hadiah handbag RM300,000. Jeanne dah di kelilingi pacat, termasuk pacat Temasik.

Janganlah cakap pasal Pak Lah boleh dapat dua lagi menantu.